The Goodness of Dedication

Preface Start-up - Intelligence Solidarity Construction - from start to finish

The construction planning of MWR started from 1991 with supporters of all kinds including Buddhist Masters, Dharma Protectors’ Society, exhibition designers, multimedia designers, artistic lighting designers, construction firms, academic research teams, consultants, and planning personnel, etc. together contributed their effort to this tremendously hard project. Each group and individual used its expertise with great effort; seemingly they worked independently, but the mutual help was indispensable. Each of them was like a glittering stone in this world shining unto each other and linked as a chain into a network. MWR situated in a turbulent city; although its space is limited, the glittering of interacting stones shined the infinite meaning.

Introduction The Goodness of Dedication The Beauty of Education Records & Gratitude Celebration Hall
Exhibition on Life journey of MWR and Congratulations from the World - In Celebration of 10th Anniversary