Records & Gratitude

Museum of World Religions is supported by the many people who identify Dharma Master Hsin Tao’s ideas to the world: Respect, Tolerance and Love. Opening decade, we get encouragements from international communities and the government. We often communicate and cooperate with society groups and individuals. We keep the records as much as possible and hope present the efforts of life education, the exhibitions of religious art, educational programs, community services and lifelong learning.

Superior Group Award, Ministry of Interior

2002-2011 Consecutively won nine times of group awards of “Praise of Temple/Church Donations, Non-profit Charities Founding, and Society Enlightenment”

Arts & Business Award, Council for Cultural Affairs

2004.10-2010.08 Won consecutively four times of the 7 th~10th “Arts & Business Awards – Gold Medal”, a recognition of the contribution on culture and arts.

Educational Community Award, Ministry of Education

2005.11 “2005 Group Award for Successful Promotion of Social Education”
2010.11 “2010 Education Community Award”

Other Awards & Recognition

2002 Applied Arts Awards Annual 2002/2003 Environmental/Signage Design Award
2005.11 Taipei County Government awarded “Group Award for Successful Promotion of Social Education”
2009.11 The museum’s volunteer team won “Excellence Award of Taipei County Cultural Volunteer Group”

Introduction The Goodness of Dedication The Beauty of Education Records & Gratitude Celebration Hall
Exhibition on Life journey of MWR and Congratulations from the World - In Celebration of 10th Anniversary