The Beauty of Education

Preface Exhibition Collection Promoting Education Life Education Center

The museum's mission and operation goal is to help the public come to realize the concept of building MWR and to receive the call of love and peace so that the secular society is full of joy and happiness under the guidance of the noble spirit. The museum is not a religious organization, not a temple, not a shrine, but a sanctuary to understand the value of life.

Honorary Curator Han Pao-Teh

Being a museum whose duty is to show the world the religious culture and arts, promote life education, and treasure the cultural heritage of mankind. We do not have narrow-minded thinking, but an open, wide vision, wishing that we can overcome the religious barriers and achieve the mission of love and peace.

Curator Chiang Shao-Ying

Introduction The Goodness of Dedication The Beauty of Education Records & Gratitude Celebration Hall
Exhibition on Life journey of MWR and Congratulations from the World - In Celebration of 10th Anniversary