

⬥ 依字母、筆畫排序 According to Alphabetical and Stroke Order
Azizan Baharuddin 
現職 Current Position
Professor in the Department of Science and Technology Studies at the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur
Cody Bahir白康地
現職 Current Position
the rabbi of the Taiwan Jewish Community (TJC)
Odeh Jayyousi 
現職 Current Position
Professor of innovation policy at Arabian Gulf University, Bahrain (2015—)
司馬忠Maria John Peter Selvamani
現職 Current Position
  1. 輔仁大學醫學系副教授
    Associate Professor at the School of Medicine, Fu Jen Catholic University
  2. 輔仁大學天主教學術研究院院長
    Dean of Fu Jen Academia Catholica, Fu Jen Catholic University
伊斯哈格‧馬孝棋Ishag Shiao-Chi Ma
現職 Current Position
  1. 國際穆斯林觀光產業聯合發展協會
    International Muslim Tourism Industry Development
  2. 台灣因哈特國際清真認證有限公司
    Taiwan INHART Halal Certification Authority Co., Ltd.
  3. 伊斯蘭與穆斯林文化講師
    Lecturer on Islam and Muslim Culture
  4. 阿拉伯語導遊講師
    Arabic Language Tour Guide Instructor
  5. 清真產品輔導/穆斯林友善旅遊培訓講師
    Halal Product Consultant/Muslim-Friendly Tourism Training Instructor

何戎Rong Ho
現職 Current Position
  1. 寰宇新聞台《寰宇全視界》主持人
    Host of Global Vision Talk on Global News
  2. Pop radio《Pop大國民》主持人
    Host of Pop da guo min on Pop Radio
李家維Chia-Wei Li
現職 Current Position
Distinguished Professor of College of Life Sciences and Medicine National Tsing Hua University
亞榮隆‧撒可努Sakinu Ahronglong
現職 Current Position
Forest Ranger
林益仁Yih-Ren Lin
現職 Current Position
Professor, Graduate Institute of Museum Studies, Taipei National University of the Arts (2023—)
孟磊Peter Morehead
現職 Current Position
  1. 「大地旅人環境工作室」共同創辦人
  2. 樸門永續設計專業設計師
    Professional Designer of Permaculture Design
  3. 台灣樸門永續設計學會創會理事長
    Founding Chairman of Taiwan Permaculture Institute

倪杰Jeffrey Nicolaisen
現職 Current Position
Assistant Professor, Department of Religion and Culture, Hsuan Chuang University (2023—)
現職 Current Position
  1. 台北集神道壇主持
    Presiding Master of Taipei Ji Shen Daoist Altar
  2. 講師
陳瑞賓Juei-Ping Chen
現職 Current Position
  1. 自然保育與環境資訊基金會董事長
    Chairman, Trust in Nature Foundation
  2. 台灣環境資訊協會祕書長
    Secretary-General, Taiwan Environmental Information Association
彭光偉Charlton Peng
現職 Current Position
  1. 三立新聞台節目中心組長
    Manager of the Program Center at SET News
  2. 《消失的國界》資深記者
    Experienced Journalist of The Borderless World
  3. 新聞工作者
  4. 國立師範大學永續管理與環境教育所博士生
    Doctoral student at the Graduate Institute of Sustainability Management and Environmental Education, National Taiwan Normal University
焦傳金Chuan-Chin Chiao
現職 Current Position
  1. 國立自然科學博物館館長(2021—)
    Director, National Museum of Natural Science (2021—)
  2. 國立清華大學生命科學系/系統神經科學研究所/分子醫學研究所特聘教授(2012—)
    Distinguished Professor, Department of Life Sciences/ Institute of Systems Neuroscience/ Institute of Molecular Medicine, National Tsing Hua University (2012—)

黃美秀Mei-Hsiu Hwang
現職 Current Position
Founder and Director of the Taiwan Black Bear Conservation Association
黃嘉俊Chia-Chun Huang
現職 Current Position
  1. 臺灣藝術大學廣電系專任助理教授
    Assistant Professor, Department of Radio and Television, National Taiwan University of Arts
  2. 文化部及國內外影展評審
    Judge for the Ministry of Culture and various domestic and international film festivals
萬尹亮I-Liang Wahn
現職 Current Position
  1. 東海大學社會學系副教授
    Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Tunghai University
  2. 國際期刊Consumption & Society東亞編輯代表
    East Asia Editorial Representative, Consumption & Society
褚士瑩Cyril Chu
現職 Current Position
  1. 國際NGO組織衝突解決顧問(專長停戰協議、衝突解決與戰後重建)
    Conflict Resolution Advisor for an international NGO organization (expertise in ceasefire agreements, conflict resolution, and post-war reconstruction)
  2. 法國哲學踐行學院(IPP)哲學諮商教練
    Philosophical Counseling Coach at the Institute of Philosophical Practice (IPP) of France
劉克襄Ka-Shiang Liu
現職 Current Position
  1. 作家
    Writer, Conservationist
  2. 生態保育工作者
    Ecological conservation worker
  3. 公視「浩克慢遊」主持人
    Host of LOHAS, Public Television Service

蔡源林Yuan-Lin Tsai
現職 Current Position
  1. 國立政治大學宗教研究所專任副教授
    Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Religious Studies, National Chengchi University
  2. 國立政治大學華人宗教研究中心諮詢委員
    Consultative committee Member, Center for the Study of Chinese Religions, National Chengchi University
  3. 《臺灣宗教研究》主編
    Editor, Taiwan Journal of Religious Studies
鄭明典Ming-Dean Cheng
經歷 Experience
  1. 美國大氣科學大學聯盟成員
    Member, American Meteorological Society
  2. 氣象局衛星中心簡任技正
    Senior Technical Specialist, Meteorological Satellite Center, Central Weather Administration
  3. 氣象局科技中心主任
    Director, Research and Development Center, Central Weather Administration
  4. 氣象局氣象預報中心主任
    Director, Weather Forecast Center, Central Weather Administration
  5. 氣象局副局長
    Deputy Director-General, Central Weather Administration
  6. 中央氣象局局長
    Director-General, Central Weather Administration
檀上宗謙Danjo Souken
現職 Current Position
Abbot of Saiko-Zenji Temple, the Myōshin-ji Branch of the Rinzai Zen School, Japan
釋心道法師Ven. Dharma Master Hsin Tao
現職 Current Position
  1. 「愛與和平地球家(GFLP)」NGO創辦人(2002—)
    Founder of the Global Family for Love and Peace (GFLP) NGO (2002—)
  2. 世界宗教博物館創辦人(2001—)
    Founder of the Museum of World Religions (2001—)
  3. 靈鷲山佛教教團開山和尚(1984—)
    Founding Abbot of Ling Jiou Mountain Buddhist Society (1984—)
釋顯月法師Ven. Xian Yue Shih
現職 Current Position
  1. 世界宗教博物館發展基金會執行長
    CEO, Museum of World Religious Development Foundation
  2. 生命和平大學督導
    Steering Director, University for Life and Peace
  3. 靈鷲山教育院院長
    Director, Lin Jiou Mountain Education Institute
  4. 靈鷲山三乘佛學院院長
    Director, Triyana Buddhist College, Lin Jiou Mountain