


6F 特展區 Special Exhibit Area
6F 特展區 Special Exhibit Area
靈性生態 跨域對談Spiritual Ecology: Cross-Domain Dialogue
釋心道法師 Ven. Dharma Master Hsin Tao
世界宗教博物館創辦人 Founder of the Museum of World Religions
7F 宇宙創世廳 Creations
特展區直播Live Streaming of Special Exhibit Area
6F 特展區 Special Exhibit Area
人類演化與生態共生Human Evolution and Ecological Coexistence
主持人 Host
李家維 Chia-Wei Li
國立清華大學生命科學研究所特聘教授 Distinguished Professor of College of Life Sciences and Medicine National Tsing Hua University
與談人 Panelist
Azizan Baharuddin
吉隆坡馬來亞大學科學與技術研究系教授 Professor in the Department of Science and Technology Studies at the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur
司馬忠 Maria John Peter Selvamani
輔仁大學天主教學術研究院院長 Dean of Fu Jen Academia Catholica
檀上宗謙 Danjo Souken
日本臨濟宗妙心寺派萬照山西光禪寺住持 Abbot of Saiko-Zenji Temple, the Myōshin-ji Branch of the Rinzai Zen School, Japan
7F 宇宙創世廳 Creations
特展區直播Live Streaming of Special Exhibit Area
6F 特展區 Special Exhibit Area
氣候變遷中的宗教回響Religious Responses to Climate Change
主持人 Host
褚士瑩 Cyril Chu
公益旅行家 Philanthropic Traveler
與談人 Panelist
林益仁 Yih-Ren Lin
國立臺北藝術大學博物館研究所教授 Professor in Graduate Institute of Meseum Studies at Taipei National University of the Arts
鄭明典 Ming-Dean Cheng
前中央氣象局局長 Former Director-General of the Central Weather Administration
釋顯月法師 Ven. Xian Yue Shih
世界宗教博物館發展基金會執行長 Acting CEO of the Museum of World Religious Development Foundation
7F 宇宙創世廳 Creations
諾亞方舟:生態保種之路Noah's Ark: The Path of Species Conservation
李家維 Chia-Wei Li
國立清華大學生命科學研究所特聘教授 Distinguished Professor of College of Life Sciences and Medicine National Tsing Hua University
6F 特展區 Special Exhibit Area
環境倫理與宗教責任Environmental Ethics and Religious Responsibilities
主持人 Host
何戎 Rong Ho
資深媒體人 Senior Media Professional
與談人 Panelist
Cody Bahir
台灣猶太社區拉比 Rabbi of the Taiwan Jewish Community (TJC)
Odeh Jayyousi
巴林阿拉伯灣大學技術與創新管理系系主任 Professor of Innovation Policy at Arabian Gulf University, Bahrain
蔡源林 Yuan-lin Tsai
國立政治大學宗教研究所副教授 Associate Professor in the Graduate Institute of Religious Studies at National Chengchi University
7F 宇宙創世廳 Creations
來自生態的聲音Sounds of Ecology
主持人 Host
褚士瑩 Cyril Chu
公益旅行家 Philanthropic Traveler
與談人 Panelist
亞榮隆.撒可努 Sakinu Ahronglong
臺東獵人學校創辦人 Founder of the Taiwan Aboriginal Cinunan Hunter School
黃美秀 Mei-Hsiu Hwang
臺灣黑熊保育協會創辦人兼理事長 Founder and Director of the Taiwan Black Bear Conservation Association
劉克襄 Ka-Shiang Liu
作家、生態保育工作者 Writer, Conservationist


6F 特展區 Special Exhibit Area
信仰的啟發Inspiration from Faith
Azizan Baharuddin
吉隆坡馬來亞大學科學與技術研究系教授 Professor in the Department of Science and Technology Studies at the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur
7F 宇宙創世廳 Creations
特展區直播Live Streaming of Special Exhibit Area
6F 特展區 Special Exhibit Area
共生之道The Way of Coexistence
主持人 Host
焦傳金 Chuan-Chin Chiao
國立自然科學博物館館長 Director of the National Museum of Natural Science
與談人 Panelist
Odeh Jayyousi
巴林阿拉伯灣大學技術與創新管理系系主任 Professor of Innovation Policy at Arabian Gulf University, Bahrain
亞榮隆.撒可努 Sakinu Ahronglong
臺東獵人學校創辦人 Founder of the Taiwan Aboriginal Cinunan Hunter School
檀上宗謙 Danjo Souken
日本臨濟宗妙心寺派萬照山西光禪寺住持 Abbot of Saiko-Zenji Temple, the Myōshin-ji Branch of the Rinzai Zen School, Japan
7F 宇宙創世廳 Creations
特展區直播Live Streaming of Special Exhibit Area
6F 特展區 Special Exhibit Area
環境議題中遺忘的聲音Forgotten Voices in Environmental Issues
主持人 Host
陳瑞賓 Juei-Ping Chen
自然保育與環境資訊基金會董事長 Chairperson of Trust in Nature Foundation
與談人 Panelist
司馬忠 Maria John Peter Selvamani
輔仁大學天主教學術研究院院長 Dean of Fu Jen Academia Catholica
林益仁 Yih-Ren Lin
國立臺北藝術大學博物館研究所教授 Professor in Graduate Institute of Meseum Studies at Taipei National University of the Arts
倪杰 Jeffrey Nicolaisen
玄奘大學宗教與文化學系助理教授 Assistant Professor in the Department of Religion and Culture at Hsuan Chuang University
7F 宇宙創世廳 Creations
來自海洋的啟示Revelation from the Ocean
黃嘉俊 Chia-Chun Huang
《男人與他的海》導演 Director of Whale Island
6F 特展區 Special Exhibit Area
從信仰找尋永續生活的可能Seeking Sustainable Living through Faith
主持人 Host
蔡源林 Yuan-lin Tsai
國立政治大學宗教研究所副教授 Associate Professor in the Graduate Institute of Religious Studies at National Chengchi University
與談人 Panelist
Cody Bahir
台灣猶太社區拉比 Rabbi of the Taiwan Jewish Community (TJC)
伊斯哈格‧馬孝棋 Ishag Shiao-Chi Ma
前台北清真寺教長 Former Imam of the Taipei Grand Mosque
釋顯月法師 Ven. Xian Yue Shih
世界宗教博物館發展基金會執行長 Acting CEO of the Museum of World Religious Development Foundation
7F 宇宙創世廳 Creations
與自然共處的生活法則Living in Harmony with Nature: Principles of Coexistence
主持人 Host
彭光偉 Charlton Peng
三立《消失的國界》節目資深記者 Experienced Journalist of The Borderless World
與談人 Panelist
孟磊 Peter Morehead
大地旅人環境工作室共同創辦人 Co-founder of Earth Passengers Permaculture Design
曹育齊 Master.Tsao
潮牌道士 Fashionable Taoist
萬尹亮 I-Liang Wahn
東海大學社會學系副教授 Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at Tunghai University
6F 特展區 Special Exhibit Area
閉幕演講Closing Keynote Speech
釋心道法師 Ven. Dharma Master Hsin Tao
世界宗教博物館創辦人 Founder of the Museum of World Religions
7F 宇宙創世廳 Creations
特展區直播Live Streaming of Special Exhibit Area