





Master Hsin Tao states, “Before engaging in religious exchanges, we all tend to think our own religion is the best. Through interfaith dialogue, we begin to understand the essence of other religions and realize that every religion ultimately aims for the same thing—a spiritual pursuit towards truth and a practical life for love and dedication. Through the Muslim-Buddhism Dialogue, we hope to embrace the mission and vision of diverse coexistence and turn the world into a true community of life.”

In 2001, following the destruction of the Buddhas of Bamiyan in Afghanistan and the subsequent 9/11 attacks in the United States, the world was unsettled, and religious communities were restless. The historical conflicts and tragedies arising from different religious consciousness deeply saddened Master Hsin Tao, who felt an even greater sense of mission and responsibility.

Master Hsin Tao seeks to gently reconcile the long-standing disputes between Islam and Christianity with the peaceful and inclusive spirit of Buddhism. With this cause and mission, he, as a third force, initiated a series of “Muslim-Buddhism Dialogue” since 2002.


找到共識 共謀和平Getting to Know Each Other
🕙2002/03/07 📍美國 紐約 New York, USA
Discussing God’s perspective on respecting life as well as the possibility and challenges of collaboration between different religions.
全球化運動在亞洲Globalization movement in Asia
🕙2002/05/11 📍馬來西亞 吉隆坡 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  1. 宗教面對經濟全球化的危機
    Religious responses to economic globalization
  2. 正義與公理是所有宗教核心
    Justice and equity are the core principles across religions
靈性全球化Millennium Interfaith Dialogue on Spirituality, Globalization, Education and Cooperation
🕙2002/07/30 📍印尼 雅加達 Jakarta, Indonesia
  1. 不同宗教應該對話
    Different religions should have dialogues
  2. 宗教對話的最佳形式
    The best form of religious dialogue
  3. 對話之後,積極行動
    Taking proactive action after dialogue
全球倫理善治Global Ethics and Good Governance
🕙2003/05/05—05/07 📍法國 巴黎 Paris, France
  1. 對談目的:保護世界和平
    Purpose of dialogue: Protecting world peace
  2. 全球倫理原則:己所不欲勿施於人
    Global ethical principles: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you
  3. 解決問題:從彼此傾聽開始
    Problem-solving: Starting with listening
宗教的責任與其他宗教對話The Religious Other as a Task for World Religions
🕙2004/04/25—04/27 📍伊朗 德黑蘭 Tehran, Iran
The Dialogue in Iran focused on the social responsibility of religion and how to eliminate dissent through dialogue and make religion a driving force for peace.
佛法,阿拉與善治Dharma, Allah and Governance
🕙2004/07/11 📍西班牙 巴塞隆納 Barcelona, Spain
  1. 宗教的教法與平衡
    Law and balance of religions
宗教與社會Dialogue and Society
🕙2005/11/06 📍摩洛哥 Morocco
  1. 宗教的包容性
    Religious inclusivity
  2. 神聖的危機
    Sacred crises
宗教與生死觀Religions on Life and Death
🕙2006/10/16—10/18 📍中國 北京 Beijing, China
  1. 宗教死亡觀:佛教與伊斯蘭教對生死教義和實踐
    Death in religions: Buddhist and Islamic doctrine and practice
  2. 對死亡和未來世界觀點討論
    Discussion on death and the afterlife
全球化與靈性傳統:各宗教的對談與省思Globalization and Spiritual Traditions: Conversations and Reflections on Religion
🕙2008/06/11—06/13 📍臺灣 臺北 Taipei, Taiwan
Discussing “mutual respect” among religions and hoping that the Muslim-Buddhism Dialogue could expand from discussions of religious issues to concerns about human survival issues.
邁向地球家 Towards the Earth: Peace and Human Rights, Poverty and Social Inequality, Ecological Healing and Earth
🕙2008/09/03—09/04 📍美國 紐約 New York, USA
  1. 和平與人權
    Peace and human rights
  2. 貧窮與社會不平等
    Poverty and social inequality
  3. 生態療癒與地球權利
    Ecological healing and Earth rights
在追求正義中締造和平Building Peace in the Pursuit of Justice
🕙2009/12/04 📍澳洲 墨爾本 Melbourne, Australia
Aligned with the 5th Parliament of the World’s Religions: “Making A World of Difference: Hearing Each Other, Healing the World”.
暴力:衝突解決的宗教資源Violence—A Religious Resource for Conflict
🕙2010/06/28—07/01 📍印度 拉達克 Ladakh, India
  1. 佛教與伊斯蘭教關係之古今面向
    Ancient and modern aspects of the relationship between Islam and Buddhism
  2. 全球和平之回佛願景
    Vision of Islam and Buddhism for global peace
  3. 當今世界的任務與挑戰
    Mission and challenges of the current world
全球化時代下的宗教責任與使命、亞洲宗教的愛與寛恕Religious Responsibility and Mission in the Globalized Era, Love and Forgiveness in Asian Religions
🕙2012/07/17—07/18 📍印尼 雅加達 Jakarta, Indonesia
  1. 佛教與伊斯蘭教在東南亞的歷史
    History of Buddhism and Islam in Southeast Asia
  2. 「愛、寬容與憐憫」在佛教與伊斯蘭教中的概念
    Concepts of love, tolerance, and compassion in Buddhism and Islam
  3. 伊斯蘭教與佛教的社會與人文問題
    Social and humanistic issues in Buddhism and Islam
  4. 跨宗教的對話
    Interfaith dialogue
療癒戰爭、仇恨與暴力的傷痕 Retrieving the Earth Home in Your Heart
🕙2015/10/16 📍美國 鹽湖城 Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Aligned with the 6th Parliament of the World’s Religions: “Reclaiming the Heart of Our Humanity.” Reaffirming the importance of rebuilding the Earth. The most important thing at the moment is to protect and heal the Earth.
愛地球、愛和平Love the Earth, Love Peace
🕙2016/09/08—09/09 📍美國 紐約 New York, USA
  1. Q1:你如何看待今天的世界,以及你希望如何塑造未來的世界?
    How do you perceive today’s world, and how would you like to shape the future?
  2. Q2:你的宗教在這個願景中是否有作用?如有,會是怎樣的作用?
    Does your religion play a role in this vision? If so, what role?
  3. Q3:我們可以共同做什麼來使世界變得更好?舉出具體的例子。
    What can we do together to make the world a better place? Provide specific examples.
靈性生態倡議活動Deep Ecology in action for the next generation
🕙2021/10/16 📍線上 Virtual
Dialogue shared various perspectives on Islam and Buddhism’s role in promoting an inclusive and sustainable peace that focuses on respected the natural world.
面對我們的全球生態危機──宗教、靈性和科學的對話Confronting our Global Ecological Crisis: A Colloquium on Religion, Science, and Spirituality
🕙2022/11/01 📍線上+美國 德州  Virtual+ Texas, USA
Expanding the "Muslim-Buddhism Dialogue" to "Abrahamic Faiths and Buddhism Dialogue" with the aim of addressing the ecological crisis of Earth and exploring how religion, spirituality and science can collaborate to prevent environmental damage.