Qur’an Manuscript
1924, Turkey, Paper, Opaque watercolor, Gold on paper, Leather binding
這是一本抄寫於奧斯曼帝國晚期至土耳其共和國建立之初的古蘭經抄本。在抄寫和裝訂古蘭經的傳統中,古蘭經抄本的第一章和第二章前五節所在的頁面都會施以美麗的鍍金和彩繪裝飾,這一本也不例外,它以金箔和彩色的花草紋為裝飾。除了內頁之外,封面和封底內側頁都裝飾了土耳其一帶典型的水波紋裝飾(paper marbling)。在內頁的書法和頁邊的裝飾中,我們可以看到文字的形式和花草圖樣的畫法、色調都明顯地呈現出奥斯曼帝國後期的抄本製作的特點。
根據伊斯蘭的教義,古蘭經是真主以阿拉伯語,在二十三年時間裡陸續傳授給先知穆罕默德 ﷺ 的。這些神啟的內容就是被穆斯林奉為圭臬的古蘭經。因此在伊斯蘭藝術中,抄寫古蘭經被視為是最尊貴的藝術形式。
This is a Qur’an manuscript copied and made from the late Ottoman period to the early years of Turkish republic. In the Islamic book making tradition, the pages of the first chapter and the first five verses of the second chapter of the Qur’an are decorated with beautiful gilding and illustrations, and this one is no exception. Besides, the inside pages of the front and back covers are decorated with paper marbling, which is typical Ottoman book making methods in the late Ottoman period. The inner pages of this manuscript, the texts and the decorations are also identical to the book illustration tradition of the time.
Islam is a monotheistic religion that believes in the one and only God (Allah). The revealed scripture (the Qur’an) is the core of Islam.
According to Islamic doctrine, the Qur'an is the world of God, and it was taught to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in the Arabic language over a period of twenty-three years. The contents of these revelations are the Qur'an, which is considered by Muslims to be sacred. Therefore, in Islamic art tradition, copying the Quran is considered to be the most honored and sacred art form.
The Honorable Qur’an
Muslims believe that the Qur'an contains the words of God in Arabic. Their written form is considered to be the purest expression of God's intent. Muslims around the world share a common connection, which is performing prayers and reciting the Qur'an in its original language (Arabic).
Because of the special respected status of the Qur'an in Muslim society, historically, special attention has been given to the production, gilding, decoration and display of Qur'anic codices. Because of its association with the written word of God, calligraphy is considered by Muslims to be the highest art form. Because Islam strictly forbids the worship of sculptures, idols, and paintings, no human figures appear in Islamic religious texts, but rather floral motifs, calligraphy, and geometric patterns are used as decorative motifs. This decorative feature of Islamic texts can be clearly seen in this room and the pictures. The lavishly decorated manuscripts of the Qur'an are usually placed on specially designed book stands (rahla) and are displayed with care and respect in mosques and madrasas around the globe.
How to Make a Qur’an Manuscript
The first step in creating a book was to make the paper. In the Islamic world, paper was made from rags of linen and hemp, not tree pulp. The rags were cut into strips and softened in limewater, then pounded into a pulp and soaked in a vat. To form a sheet of paper, a rectangular mold was placed into the vat and then left to dry. The water seeped out and the page hardened in the mold. Decorative touches were often added to the paper: some were tinted, some were sprinkled with gold, and others were marbled. Marbled papers were created by dispensing drops of colorant onto the surface of a water bath and running combs through the drops to create a pattern; a sheet of paper was then laid on the surface of the bath to absorb the colors. After drying, the paper was prepared to receive ink and paint with the application of a starchy solution that rendered the surface smooth and nonporous.
A scribe then prepared his ink (made of carbon boiled with gallnuts), made his pens, and pressed guidelines into the paper. He then copied the text, leaving spaces for illustrations where the director of the workshop had indicated. Most of manuscripts are results of team works.
Traditionally, to create his pigments, the artist turned to nature. Mineral sources were gold, silver, lapis lazuli, ground cinnabar (for vermilion), orpiment (for yellow), and malachite (for green). These materials were expensive. Indigo was a common source of dark blue and azurite was used for a lighter blue.
After the paintings were completed, illuminators and gilders added flourishes to the text, such as chapter headings, colored frames, and rulings. They also created frontispieces and end pages. Finally, each sheet was burnished with a hard stone or glass.
At this stage, the leaves of the book were ready to be sewn and bound and finish the book with covers.
在本書的最後一頁留有書法家的讚詞和落款。從文中可知,這本古蘭經的抄寫工作完成於伊斯蘭曆1292年(西元1924年),書法家的頭銜是賽義德·哈吉(Sayyid al-Haj),名字叫作哈菲茲·穆罕默德·拉希姆(Hafiz Muhammad Rasim),他的老師是艾哈邁德·沙烏奇(Ahmad Shawwki)。
On the last page of the book there is a tribute and name information from the calligrapher. It is known from the text that the scribing work of this Qur'an was completed in the year 1292 AH (1924 CE) and that the calligrapher's title was Sayyid al-Haj, whose name was Hafiz Muhammad Rasim, and his teacher was Ahmad Shawwki.
歷史上的著名征服者帖木兒(Timur)的孫子易卜拉欣·蘇丹(Ibrahim Sultan)於1427年抄寫的古蘭經