

Prayer Book

1926, Turkey, Paper, Ink, Leather binding


The book displayed is a prayer booklet that is used by Muslims for practical usages. Unlike Qur’anic book decoration and bindings, which are usually beautifully illustrated, written, and decorated on the page edges, this type of books is usually small, portable, and accessible.

What are the Prayer Books for?

在穆斯林看來,日常的五次禮拜是崇拜真主的最重要形式。在禮拜中,禮拜者需要背誦古蘭經的一些章節。每一個穆斯林,無論國籍、無論母語為何、無論生活在什麼樣的社會,都至少需要背誦古蘭經的「開端章」(al-Fatiha)和另外的兩、三個篇幅較短的章節。古蘭經的所有經文都是以阿拉伯文頒降給先知穆罕默德 ﷺ 的,因此為了完成穆斯林的日常功課,穆斯林需要學習和背誦這些基本的經文。


除此之外,穆斯林在禮拜後,或是日常生活中的任何時候,都可以舉起雙手向神祈禱,其內容可以是祈求信仰上的堅定,或世俗生活中的種種事物、心願,或為自己的家人、朋友、亡故者祈禱。這一類祈禱詞,穆斯林將其稱作「دعاء」(音譯為 Du’a 或 篤阿、杜瓦)。


For Muslims, the five daily prayers are the most important form of worship. During worship (salat), the worshipper is required to recite some verses of the Qur’an. Every Muslim, regardless of nationality, native language, is required to memorize at least the “The Opening” (al-Fatiha) of the Qur’an and two or three other short chapters. All the verses of the Qur’an were revealed to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in Arabic, therefore, in order to fulfil the daily duty as a Muslim, he or she needs to learn and recite these basic verses in Arabic.

In this type of prayer book, there are short chapters of the Qur’an that are easier to memorize, as well as Tafsir (exegesis) that explains the revelation context and meaning of verses.

Besides the motions of Salat (worship), Muslims can raise their hands to make wishes at any time to God, either for strengthen their faith or for various things or wishes of their worldly lives, and for their loved ones or deceased. This type of prayer is known to Muslims as "دعاء" (pronounced Du'a).

In this prayer book from Turkey, there are several beautifully versed du'as. Muslims use Arabic in salat (worship) but can use any language when making du'as outside the salat. However, in Islamic tradition, many beautiful and famous du'a have accumulated and recorded, and there are well known du'as directly from the Qur'an, and Muslims tend to memorize and recite these du'as in Arabic. Thus, in the prayer book displayed, there are du'as in Arabic form with its diacritical marks, so the Muslims whose mother tongue is not Arabic can learn and recite them.


在本書中,書寫有重複104次的「يا ٱلۡوَدُودُ 」(ya al-Wadud)字樣,意思是「啊!至愛者!」這種反覆的祈求和讚唸是一種簡單、真切且有力的方式,用來紀念真主。穆斯林在這樣的活動(Zikr,讚主)中,常常唸誦真主的不同尊名,「至愛者」(al-Wadud)就是真主的名字和屬性之一。穆斯林相信,神愛一個人不只是因為這個人是誰或做了什麼;而是因為愛是神的本質之一。所以在穆斯林的祈禱中,尤其是在面對困難,或是在懺悔的祈禱中,常常會用到「至愛者」的名字。






In this prayer book, the words "يا ٱلۡوَدُودُ" (ya al-Wadud) have been repeated for 104 times. This word means "Oh! The Most Loving!" This repetition of supplication and chanting is a simple and powerful way of remembrance of God. Muslims often recite the different names of God during such activities (Zikr, means remembrance of God), and al-Wadud is one of the names and attributes of God. Muslims believe that God loves a person not just because of who that person is or what he or she has done; but because love is one of God's attributions. This is why the name "The Most Loving" is often used in prayers, especially when one is in a difficulty situation or in one’s repentance.

After calling upon the Most Loving One, the prayer book offered some du’as for different situations. For example the content after “Oh the Most Loving” is a du’a for recitation of Qur’an as translated below:

O Allah! Let me receive Your mercy by the means of the Noble Qur’an and make it my guide as well as a source of light, guidance, and grace for me. O Allah! Revive my memory of whatever I was made to forget, grant me understanding of whatever I don’t know, enable me to recite it during hours of day and night and make it my main argumentative support (in all matters), Oh Lord of the Worlds. We are entirely at Your service. You hold me by my forelock. Your Decree is what controls me, and Your Commands to me are just. I supplicate You by every one of Your Names, those which You use to refer to Yourself, or have revealed in Your Book, or have taught to any one of Your creation, or have chosen to keep hidden with You in the Unseen, to make the Noble Qur’an the springtime of my heart, the light of my eyes, the departure of my grief, and the vanishing of my affliction and my sorrow, and make it our guild to the paradise in the company of those whom You have bestowed Your grace, the prophets, the truly faithful, the martyrs, and righteous, by the help of your mercy, Oh Allah, the most Merciful, and most Compassionate, and make the Qur’an our healer, and give us a mercy in this life and life hereafter.


在奧斯曼帝國的文學傳統中,有一種十分流行的文字體裁被稱作「Hilya」,也就是描述先知穆罕默德 ﷺ 身形樣貌的文字描述。這種文學傳統是發源自聖訓裡聖門弟子對於先知 ﷺ 外貌的記述。在奧斯曼帝國的藝術中,這種先知 ﷺ 身型樣貌的文字常常用精美的書法表現出來,並配上頁面裝飾,發展成了一種具有標準佈局的藝術形式,還常常被裝裱起來作為牆壁上的裝飾。



In the literary tradition of the Ottoman Empire, there is a popular literacy genre known as Hilya, which is a written description of the physical appearance of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. This tradition is derived from the accounts of the Companions. In the art of the Ottoman Empire, the art form of Hilya was often made with fine calligraphy with margin decoration. It has been developed into a standard art form and often framed as wall decoration.

Description of the physical appearance of the Prophet ﷺ are translated below:

The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) was imposing and majestic. His face shone like the full moon. His physique was finely balanced [in perfect harmony and proportion]. He was somewhat taller than medium height and a little shorter than what could be described as tall. His head was large, and he had hair that was neither curly nor straight. If his hair parted, he would leave it parted and it did not go beyond the lobes of his ears if he allowed it to go long. He was very fair skinned with a wide brow and had thick eyebrows with a narrow space between them. He had a vein there which throbbed when he was angry. His beard was thick and full. He had black eyes, firm and high cheeks, a wide mouth, and white teeth with slight gaps [between his front teeth].






As a book used to guide believers in prayer and zikr. The book also provides some prayers for specific occasions. For example, on the left side of this page, written in red, says: Prayer for Funeral.

Prayer for Funeral:

O God, forgive us, forgive the ones who are alive and those who have passed away. Please forgive those who are here and those who are not here. Please forgive the youths among us, forgive the elders among us, and forgive the men and women among us. O God, please let those who will continue to live to live upon on Islam, and let those of us who will die to depart with iman (faith).


What is Called "Istaftah"?




  1. 以喘息奔馳的馬隊為誓言,
  2. 以馬蹄迸發出火光的馬隊為誓言,
  3. 以早晨出擊,
  4. 捲起塵埃,
  5. 攻入敵圍的馬隊為誓言,
  6. 人類對於神,的確是辜恩的。
  7. 人類對於自己的辜恩是見證的,
  8. 人類酷愛金錢。
  9. 難道他們不知道嗎?當墳塋中的朽骨被揭示出來,
  10. 心中的秘密被顯現出來的時候。
  11. 在那一天,他們的主確是徹知他們的。

這一本祈禱手冊書寫於伊斯蘭曆1294年,即西曆1926年。在抄寫和製作這本書的時候,正值伊斯蘭世界歷史上一個極其重要的時期,即奧斯曼帝國的滅亡。自從先知穆罕默德 ﷺ 去世後,伊斯蘭歷史上首次出現了沒有哈里發(穆斯林社群的領導人)的局面。土耳其共和國建立後,凱末爾廢除了哈里發制度,在新生的土耳其共和國裡推行世俗化、西化和文字改革。


In the tradition of copying and binding Islamic books, there is a unique practice of notation called "Istaftah", which means that the first word of the next page is written in the margin of the previous page so that the two words can correspond to each other in order to prevent missing pages or disordering. For example, in the photo here, the word "فَوَسَطْنَۦ" is written in the bottom margin of the right-hand page, which is the same as the first word of the next page.

There are 114 surahs (chapters) in the Qur’an and there are about 18 surahs among them are short and easier to memorize. The Surah al-Adiyat is presented here and translated below:

  1. By the racers, panting,
  2. And the producers of sparks [when] striking[d]
  3. And the chargers at dawn,
  4. Stirring up thereby [clouds of] dust,
  5. Arriving thereby in the center[e] collectively,
  6. Indeed mankind, to his Lord, is ungrateful.
  7. And indeed, he is to that a witness.
  8. And indeed he is, in love of wealth, intense.
  9. But does he not know that when the contents of the graves are scattered,
  10. And that within the breasts is obtained,
  11. Indeed, their Lord with them, that Day, is [fully] Aware.

This prayer book was written in the Islamic calendar the year of 1294 or 1926 CE. It was written and produced at a significant era in the history of Islamic world, namely during the fall of the Ottoman Empire. For the first time in Islamic history, there was no caliph (leader of the Muslim community) since the death of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. After the establishment of the Republic of Turkey, Kemal Atatürk abolished the caliphate and introduced secularization, westernization, and text reform in the new Turkish Republic.

In this prayer book written in 1926, we can still see the use of Arabic and Ottoman scripts. Soon after two years in 1928, Ottoman script would be abolished, the new modern Turkish language would be spelled in Latin alphabet.

The last Ottoman sultan leaving Istanbul in 1923