4 文 / 世界宗教博物館發展基金會執行長 釋顯月 芝加哥是世界宗教議會 (Parliament of the World's Religions,簡稱 PoWR) 的發源地,1893 年(清光緒 19 年)試圖在全世界的宗教間,營造一個全球信仰 對話的空間,舉辦了第一場議會,讓東西方的宗教傳 統彼此理解。100 年後於此舉辦了第二次議會,此後 在世界各國輪流舉辦,130 年後又回到芝加哥,現在 PoWR 大會廣泛關懷世界和平、環保、生態和宗教培 力、婦女和原住民等議題;1999 年,在南非開普敦 的議會是世界宗教博物館創辦人心道法師率團參加的 第一年,爾後的每一屆我們都不曾缺席。 今年八月由我代表創辦人,帶領著世界宗教博物 館(簡稱宗博館)團隊及龍樹青年們,帶著創辦人愛 與和平的願力出席此盛會。此行的目的:以宗博館的 創館宗旨「尊重、包容、博愛」,持續宗教和諧的友 誼,更因應當代的人類危機,進一步呼籲各宗教成為 生態的守護者.我們透過創辦人的致詞、靈性生態影 片、寧靜禪修的引導,在宗教靈性的修持下,回到生 態共同的根源,集結博愛生命的能量,共同祈願地球 平安、生態永續。 Chicago is the place of origin for the Parliament of the World Religions (PoWR). The first meeting was held in 1893 to establish a space for cross-religion dialogues and understanding. Chicago hosted the meeting for the third time this year, 130 years after the first one, where the PoWR was dedicated to world peace, environmental and ecological conservation, religious empowerment, and women and indigenous issues. The Museum of World Religions (MWR) has been attending PoWR meetings every year since 1999. This year, in addition to promote inter-religion harmony with its founding philosophy of “respect, inclusion, and universal love”, the MWR also urged every religion to play a part in the protection of ecology and environment, so all lives can have a harmonious and sustainable life on Earth. by Ven. Xien Yue Shih, CEO of MWR Development Foundation Cross-Religion Promotion of Eco-Spirituality at the PoWR in Chicago 芝加哥 PoWR 跨宗教靈性生態推廣 文化櫥窗
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