一座靈性博物館 4 「宗博館若是只用負責任的心來興建,充其 量,只是一座硬梆梆的建築而已;但若賦予愛心, 那它就是一座有靈性的博物館了。見證了宗博館 整個施工過程,我可以很驕傲地向世人表示,宗 博館絕對是一座有靈性的博物館。」 2001 年世界宗教博物館開館時,我在《珠玉之 網》留下了這段話,記得 2000 年 8 月起我擔任博物 館工程專案主持人,體驗了一段艱辛但充滿意義的時 光,見證宗博館從鋼筋水泥的粉塵間,到理念實踐充 滿靈性的博物館。 宗博館呈現的是人類與時空環境的靈性智慧: 透過祈禱長廊沈澱出生命的蘊意、立於金色大廳凝想 天地之間愛與和平的迴響、從創世神話探索宇宙的根 源、走過生命旅程感恩信仰的陪伴、直至多元生命共 榮互濟的圓滿呈現,這是一個華嚴世界的小小縮影. 我們希望參觀的夥伴們,在這裡能開拓未知、珍惜所 有,在自己的內心複製愛與和平的種子,共振世界和 諧的能量。 華嚴世界的造物主,是您、是我,想要生活在怎 樣的環境?都在我們的方寸之間,我如何對待天地萬 物,天地萬物便如何待我。今年宗博館《山海天人— 我在自然裡》特展,便是引導我們省思,如何用「心」 細膩地、有感地,悠遊在天地之「境」,讓自然就在 我之內,靈性就在其中。 文 / 世界宗教博物館發展基金會執行長 釋顯月 “If the Museum of World Religions had been built out of responsibility, it would’ve only been, at best, a soulless concrete building; but when the process was infused with love, it became a museum of spirituality. After witnessing the whole construction process, I can proudly announce to the world, MWR is definitely a museum of spirituality.” When MWR opened in 2001, I wrote this in its commemorative publication. Witnessing the construction of the museum was a hard but meaningful stretch of time. MWR is a manifestation of the spiritual wisdom of human and the environment. Its praying corridors and its golden hall all reflect the peaceful love in a diverse and mutually prosperous life. It’s the epitome of the world of Avatamsaka Sutra. We all are the creators of the world of Avatamsaka Sutra. Whatever environment we want to live in depends on how we treat everything in the world. This year’s MWR special exhibition “Mountains, Ocean, Sky – Nature in Me” serves as a guidance for us to reflect and navigate ourselves with hearts of appreciation in the world of nature. When the nature is in me, the spirit will be too. by Ven. Xien Yue Shih, CEO of MWR Development Foundation AMuseum of Spirituality 文化櫥窗
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