
4 The founding philosophy of the Museum of World Religions is to love all lives, including every being in the universe. At the opening of the Parliament of the World Religions in 2018, founder Dharma Master Hsin Tao said, “The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has issued the ultimate warning - “Hothouse Earth” in 2030. All of us can relate to the impacts of climate change and must take proactive steps to overcome the crisis of Mother Earth.” At the 20th Anniversary of MWR, the permanent exhibition of the “Avatamsaka World” was revamped to include the concept of “Spiritual Ecology,” which emphasizes peace among human beings and the peaceful coexistence between human beings and the environment. At the special exhibition of “The World of Chan” in 2013, we learned that Chan means to return to one’s true self, which brings peace to the heart and harmony to the world. This year on Earth Day, we launched the movement, “Bring Emptiness into Manifestation,” which encourages people to find their inner peace in their own way, whether they’re religious or not. The outer sphere of the “Avatamsaka World” displays different lives on Earth, and the inner sphere’s film “Spirituality is Ecology” will be ready to view by year-end. Please join us at the MWR to experience our presentation of spiritual ecology. We hope it brings you a new perspective on preserving our Mother Earth. by Venerable Dr. Liaoyi Shih, CEO of MWR Development Foundation 尊重每一個信仰、包容每一個族群、博愛每一個 生命,是世界宗教博物館的創館理念,其中博愛每一 個「生命」更是包含宇宙萬物。2018 年第七屆世界 宗教議會於加拿大多倫多舉辦,大會開幕時世界宗教 博物館 ( 以下簡稱宗博 ) 創辦人心道法師擔任重要嘉 賓為世界祈福,發表「愛地球、愛和平」共同祈禱文, 文中提到: 「聯合國跨政府氣候變遷委員會已發布了 2030 年熱室地球『最後的警報 』,我們都有貼切的 感受,也需要採取積極的行動,來轉變地球危機」, 至此宗博持續推廣愛地球理念,並於宗博二十週年館 慶時,將常設展「華嚴世界」軟硬體進行更新,注入 「靈性生態」的理念,喚醒人類找回本來自有靈性, 重視人與人、進而人與生態的和平。 2013 年宗博特展 「禪示天地特展-微笑傳心 活 諸如來」 提醒大家認識佛教的禪是什麼?禪就是心, 回歸真心見到自己的本來面目,並由此蘊化出讓人心 寧靜、天地和諧的能量。今年我們在世界地球日時推 出了「放空運動」,也是鼓勵不論有無信仰,要用自 己的方式找到自己心中的寧靜。 「華嚴世界 - 靈性生態館」的外球呈現地球繽紛 萬物生態景觀,今年將完成內球影片「靈性即生態」, 歡迎來宗博體驗我們所呈現的靈性生態,期待能帶給 你一些不同的體悟,一同守護我們的地球母親。 文 / 世界宗教博物館發展基金會執行長 釋了意 靈性即生態 Spirituality Is Ecology 文化櫥窗