5 在 師 父 的 LINE 頁 面《 心 道 法 師 -Master HsinTao》上乍見「生死晝夜」一詞,當下被這鏗鏘 有力、恢弘大器的四個字所震懾,晝夜為一日,七天 為一週,三月為一季,四季為一年,如是週而復始, 循環不輟,猶如地貌之消長、林相之榮枯,再自然不 過;所以,如若放下以人為主體,生死又何來喜悲之 分? 《易經》中常見動靜、剛柔、晝夜、生死…等相 反詞;孔子在《系傳》之中說道:明乎晝夜之道則知 (生死);而宗教、哲學必會思考一個問題:人生、 宇宙和生死之間的關係。天主教也好,佛教也好,伊 斯蘭教也好,都在必會追尋關於人生死的問題。 而人之所以難勘破生死,其中難處在於「告別」。 在最平凡不過的日常中,與友人別離的時刻,總以 「再見」為結尾,但是人生有多少來不及說的再見? 每當親人、摯友離我們而去方才體會到,原來日常是 由生命及緣份所堆疊而成,「樹欲靜而風不止,子欲 養而親不待」道出多少人在失去家人後那份無盡的後 悔,正是遺憾的重量使我們認識到生命之無價。 世界宗教博物館自立館以來一直將如何使生命教 育走向大眾放在首要的任務,本次特展「生死晝夜: 於死亡中前行」正是這一理念的實踐。將「生、死」 如此沈重的主題與代表日常的「晝、夜」概念相結 合,體現日常的背後是無數無價的生命所構築。我們 期待,當你踏入展場,能在生與死之間找到生命的重 量;當你踏出展場,會發現從此刻開始珍視身邊愛你 的人永遠不晚。 文 / 館長 馬幼娟 There’s a phrase on Dharma Master Hsin Tao’s Line Page reading, “Day and Night, Life and Death”, which is such an enlightenment. Day and night are one day; there are seven days in one week, three months in one season, four seasons in one year. It’s the eternal cycle of life, and life and death are a part of its natural course. There are all sorts of duality phrases in I’Ching, and Confucius used to comment that knowing day and night is the way to understand life and death. Life, death, and the universe is also a common topic in religions and philosophy. It’s hard for human beings to look past death because death means bidding farewell and letting go. It’s the weight of regrets that make us realize the value of life. The Museum of World Religions has been dedicated to Life Education since its inauguration. In the special exhibition of “Bright as night, dark as day –A walk with the death”, we hope to inspire you to find the significance of life and start to cherish everyone and everything around you. Yu-Chuan Ma, Curator of MWR Day and Night, Life and Death –Bright as night, dark as day. A walk with the death. 生死晝夜 博物館之門
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