
4 歷經寒冬的凋零枯竭才迎來春天的生機盎然, 季節的更替如同人類的生起緣滅,從初生至死亡,各 個宗教有著自己的流轉與訴說,世界宗教博物館裡呈 現各個宗教在生死關懷的同與異。正如面對人生的終 極,埃及古文明有審判與重生、基督宗教相信安息主 懷、佛教闡述輪迴及解脫、伊斯蘭教為歸真與復生日 的審判。 一直以來視為禁忌的死亡,在不同的信仰觀點 裡,死亡及死後的世界再再顯現出人類對生命的重 視與關懷。創辦人心道法師曾說「生死之所以恐怖, 是因為不知生從何來,不知死從何去 」,世界宗教 博物館今年「生命教育主題特展」以生命之旅廳中的 「死亡及死後」為主題,期待大家前來發掘。 認識死亡讓我們了解生命、活出應活的生命。 二十週年館慶時我們倡導「靈性生態」的觀點,期望 以萬物為本,互相珍惜彼此所依。「華嚴世界—靈性 生態館」在美麗的八米外球上展示地球生態景觀,所 述「相依共存、互濟共生、地球永續、世界和平」, 這是我們共同的期望,也希望各界朝此目標努力,一 同用心珍惜地球、療癒人心。 The blooming life of spring is even more precious after the bleakness of winter. The changing seasons symbolize the circle of life, and each religion has their own concept of it, and the Museum of World Religions makes an effort to present all aspects of those different concepts to accentuate our valuing of life. Master Hsin Tao has wisely pointed out that our fear of death originates from not knowing where we come from and where we go after we die. And with this year’s Life Education Exhibition, MWR welcomes everyone to explore the theme of death and afterlife, so we can have a better understanding of life. At its 20th Anniversary, MWR promoted the concept of ecospirituality for a world of mutual respect among all livings. We’re striving for a future of co-existence, sustainability, and world peace, where we all learn to cherish our home planet and heal humanity. 文 / 世界宗教博物館發展基金會執行長 釋了意 by Venerable Dr. Liaoyi Shih, CEO of MWR Development Foundation 守護生命 The Circle of Life 文化櫥窗