國際交流 2021年10月3至4日於梵蒂岡舉行「信仰與科學:邁向COP26氣候峰會」,及10月5日教育圓桌會議, 本館創辦人心道法師受邀與會,由哈比托博士代表出席。心道法師為此會議錄製的短講中提到:要解決問題, 只有讓浩劫的造作者覺醒,認清災難正在發生,而且誰都逃不掉,必須當下改變,停止掠奪與對立,讓生態 與靈性合一,人類跟大自然就能永續。 自2021年2月起,經過6個月的籌備性線上會前會的密切討論之後,近40位宗教領袖齊聚梵蒂岡與教宗 方濟各會面,並聯合簽署籲請在英國格拉斯哥,參與「第26屆聯合國氣候峰會」(COP26)的各國領導人 迅速採取負責任的共同行動,保護、恢復和治癒我們受傷的共同家園─地球。 18 文 / 國際事務主任 瑪麗哈比托博士 Dr. Maria Reis Habito 摘譯 / 國際事務組 信仰與科學 ─ 邁向 COP26 氣候峰會會議紀實 Short Report: Faith and Science Meeting, held at the Vatican from October 3-4, and the Educational Roundtable held on Oct. 5, 2021 I had the honor and joy to represent Dharma Master Hsin Tao at the Faith and Science Meeting towards Cop 26, hosted at the Vatican by His Holiness, Pope Francis, in conjunction with the British and the Italian Embassies to the Holy See, on Oct. 3-4 of this year. After 5 months of preparatory monthly Zoom meetings, almost 40 religious leaders, bracing the difficulties of travel during Corona Times, met with Pope Francis at the Vatican to sign the joint appeal to “raise awareness of the unprecedented challenges that threaten us and life on our beautiful common home, the Earth,….calling those nations with the greatest responsibility and present capacity to step up their climate action at home… pleading with the international community, gathered at Cop26, to take speedy, responsible and shared action to safeguard, restore and heal our wounded humanity and the home entrusted to our stewardship……and committing to “much more serious action as followers of a faith community.” The appeal was also signed by Pope Francis, who wrote in his statement distributed to all, that “each of us has his or her religious beliefs and spiritual traditions, but no cultural, political or social borders or barriers prevent us from standing together.” The appeal was then handed over to Alok Sharma, the COP26 president, and Luigi di Maio, Italy’s foreign minister. In his short speech, broadcast during the Vatican meeting after all delegates had planted olive trees, Master Hsin Tao said that we need to “awaken to the realization that the disaster is occurring right now, that no one can escape…that all plundering and conflict has to stop and
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