
5 去年(109)1-6 月,我以感同身受的心情,受 邀擔任《文化部對受嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎影響發生營 運困難產業事業紓困振興辦法》之「博物館 / 地方文 化館」類別申請案的外聘審查委員;今年一月正式走 馬上任世界宗教博物館服務,當下疫情雖未弭平,但 仍在完善防護措施前提下之可控範圍,未料 5 月 14 日爆發社區感染,政府隨即發佈第三級防疫警戒,這 意味著相較於去年疫情更形險峻,博物館基於保護觀 眾、館員、志工等,自當配合政令立刻封館以避免群 聚感染;而我也從去年補助宗博館的審委角色,置換 為被文化部審查補助的民營館館長;正因世事難料, 宗博館營運團隊更要隨時有準備。 在宣布三級警戒的稍早前,我應紅十字會高雄分 會之邀前往演講,演講後再轉至其所屬的「人到電視 台」接受訪問,主持人簡昭漢總幹事問我:「宗教文 化與人道關懷在宗博館如何實踐?」,我回答:「素 來景仰紅十字會總是義無反顧的出現在全球各戰地前 三級警戒下的 反思一二 文 / 館長 馬幼娟 During the first half of 2020, I was invited to be a member of the review committee of Ministry of Culture for the epidemic relief plan for business. And in January 2021, I officially assumed the job as the head of the Museum of World Religions. Since the local epidemic outburst in May, Taiwan has entered Level 3 alert, and I also went from a reviewer of the relief plan to someone being reviewed. Things can change in the blink of an eye, and the operation team of MWR needs to be even more prepared for everything. Right before level 3 alert was announced, I was invited to speak at the Red Cross Society in Kaohsiung. I was asked during an interview afterward about how MWR put religious culture and humanitarianism into practice. I replied that it was much like what Red Cross had done in the front line, and that MWR put even more emphasis on prevention and advocate respect, tolerance, and philanthropy. To stop wars, we need to understand each other first. The level 3 alert has been once again extended and this time to July 26. And this article is published in the no.119 MWR journal, which corresponds to the museum’s 20th anniversary on November 9. We pray that the epidemic resolves soon, and all lives are well. Yu-Chuan Ma, Curator of MWR Reflections amidst the Level 3 Epidemic Prevention Alert 線,無差別心的對待傷亡者進行人道救援工作;世 界宗教博物館也是一樣的,只是我們的做法在於『防 範於未然』,我們倡議尊重、包容、博愛:止戰, 必先理解彼此。」 走筆至此,衛福部再次公告三級警戒由原訂 6 月 28 日解封,延長至 7 月 26 日,而這篇將刊登於 宗博季刊 119 期的文章,巧妙呼應 11 月 9 日世界宗 教博物館的二十歲生日,在此祈願:疫情退去,眾 生平安。 博物館之門