4 這段時間,伴隨著台灣新冠肺炎疫情的升溫,我 們更真實地感受到全球各地一年多以來面對的壓力, 還有各種悲歡離合的無奈;雖然疫苗的開打帶來了希 望曙光,但是緊接著還有印度、巴西等變種病毒的虎 視眈眈,讓人一刻也無法放鬆。 台灣各界大力疾呼的「同島一命」,揭櫫在台灣 的所有人都是共生共存的事實,也呼應了世界宗教博 物館今年二十週年想再次強調的精神:「萬物一體、 地球一家」。在這個時空中,不管是個人、宗教、民 族彼此之間,甚至是人與大自然的關係,其實都是生 死與共、禍福同享的生命共同體。 館內常設展區之一的《華嚴世界》,設計理念為 「一即一切,一切即一」的生命共同體概念,傳達各 宗教與生命間共享的智慧本質。值此二十週年,華嚴 世界展區規劃改裝,除了延續原本精神之外,更特別 強調靈性與生態本為一體,以及我們身為地球子民, 必須照顧大自然的健康。跟靈性脫節的工商業發展和 無止盡的開發與消費,正逐步侵蝕大自然的生存空間 和其本有的良性循環。科學家早已指出,一旦超過地 球的容忍極限,彼此都會走向滅亡。 我們在今年二月初邀約台灣各宗教代表來館,交 流各自信仰中關於自然環境的理念;接下來也會持續 關注由英國、義大利與教廷共同舉辦的宗教領袖與科 學家們的會議 —「信仰與科學:邁向第 26 屆氣候峰 會」。 靈性與生態是人類和自然萬物存在的根本,人們 需要學習各宗教的智慧,回歸靈性,實踐「尊重、包 容、博愛」,展開串聯與合作,才能讓彼此都找到和 諧永續的生存空間。邀約大家來世界宗教博物館,找 到信仰的力量。 Taiwan has seen its new COVID-19 cases rapidly increasing lately, and we truly feel the stress the world has been dealing with for over a year. In this time and space, the relationship between individuals, religions, and communities, and even between people and nature, is in fact one body of life. The concept is emphasized in the revamped exhibition zone of Avatamsaka World for the 20th anniversary. Spirituality and the nature are deeply connected. As a member of the Earth community, it’s our responsibility to take good care of the well-being of nature. In early February, we invited representatives from all religions in Taiwan to share each religion’s perspectives on the natural environment. We also closely follow the event of “Faith and Science: Toward COP26” held by UK, Italy, and Vatican, where religious leaders and scientists gather for concerning the future of the Earth. Spirituality and ecosystem are the roots of the existence of humanity and all living beings. People need to learn from the wisdom of every religion and return to the spiritual roots, fulfilling the ideals of “respect, tolerance, and love”, to create a harmonious and sustainable environment for all livings. The Museum of World Religions welcomes you to discover the strength of religions and spiritualities. 文 / 世界宗教博物館發展基金會執行長 釋了意 CEO of MWR Development Foundation Venerable Dr. Liaoyi Shih 回歸靈性‧生態和諧 Return to Spirituality and a Harmonious Ecosystem 文化櫥窗
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