
文化櫥窗 4 世界宗教博物館是個善念的奇蹟,透過「尊重每 一個信仰、包容每一個族群、博愛每一個生命」的理 念,以無數個 100 元凝聚出積沙成塔的力量,籌辦 十年方才建館完成。 我們相信宗教的終極目標都是「愛」,關愛人、 關愛世界。世界宗教博物館透過宗教交流、宗教藝 術、以及生命教育來傳遞這份精神。以世界宗教博物 館為平台,至今已在 11 個國家,舉辦過 16 場回佛 對談、參加 5 屆世界宗教議會,促使各個宗教文化 彼此溝通理解;以「愛與和平」、「多元宗教文化」 為主題,舉辦 70 多檔特展及教育活動,讓大眾了解 宗教藝術文化是如何呈現出人們共有的生命價值;以 「生命之旅廳」、「兒童館」為起點,積極推動生命 教育,從館內到偏鄉,關懷全人教育。這些正是實踐 創辦人心道法師創建世界宗教博物館時「要為世界做 些事」的初衷。 20 年來,世界宗教博物館作為實踐「尊重、包 容、博愛」的平台,不斷的讓宗教真理的真、生命教 育的善、宗教藝術的美,以及宗教多元的智慧與大愛 傳承下去。值此世界宗教博物館 20 週年之際,期盼 大家持續的護持與滋養,一同「為世界做些事」! The Museum of World Religions is a miracle of goodwill. Inspired by the founding philosophy respect for all faiths, tolerance for all cultures, and love for all life, it took ten years and countless donations of hundred-dollar bills to build the museum. We believe the ultimate goal of religions is “Love”. This philosophy is realized through the Interfaith communication, the appreciation of religious art, and the promotion of life education. We’ve held 16 Interfaith dialogues across 11 countries and attended 5 conferences of the parliament of religions. We’ve also held more than 70 exhibitions and educational events under the themes of “Love and Peace” and “diversity of religious cultures”. And with the establishment of “Hall of Life’s Journey” and “Kid’s Land”, we continue to promoting Life Education. “To do something for the world” was Venerable Dharma Master Hsin Tao’s original intention when founding the museum, and we’re committed to carry it out. MWR is approaching its 20th anniversary. Please do keep supporting us in doing something for the world! 文 / 世界宗教博物館發展基金會執行長 釋了意 CEO of MWR Development Foundation Venerable Dr. Liaoyi Shih 宗博 20 ─要為世界做些事 MWR 20 Years: To Do Something for the World