文化櫥窗 相信 4 秋分將至,豐收的季節即將到來, 為獎勵本會連續十九年從未間斷投入跨宗 教合作、生命教育、公益慈善,內政部特 頒贈績優宗教團體獎,獎勵對台灣社會貢 獻。 與此同時我們舉辦同仁共識會議, 秉持以人為本,凝聚同仁們對於過去的分 享、盤點現在以及未來的共同期望。寶祥 法師分享其在宗博創建之前舉辦募款活 動,講述心道法師創建博物館的理念「不 同宗教信仰的人們能夠一同努力提昇世界 和平、增進人類的福祉」,活動會場中有 一位負責收垃圾的阿桑,私下表達想要捐 榮董,寶祥法師擔心其經濟狀況,委婉表 達感謝,但是阿桑卻說:「你們剛剛有講 這是為我們後代子孫,我活了大把年紀, 有一點點積蓄,我的人生要做些事情,對 這個世界有意義,如果可以盡一點我的心 意,我希望可以像他們 ( 榮董 ) 一樣,支 持蓋世界宗教博物館,影響更多的人,對 這個世界更有幫助。」這讓寶祥法師更堅 定信心,投入宗博籌備。 許多小故事,連結成巨大的願力,使 宗博誕生、成長、茁壯,「宗博二十」即 將到來,愛地球愛和平理念延伸,支持博 物館、成就博物館的願力,是發自內心的, 越做越了解宗博的和平使命,如果相信可 行就去做,如果相信就真的做得到。 Autumn equinox is the precursor for harvest season. Our foundation has been engaging in cross-religion collaboration, life education, and charity for 19 years, and is awarded as an outstanding religious group by the Ministry of the Interior. At the consensus conference, Bao-shiang Shih shares the fundraising stories about the founding of MWR, citing Master Hsin Tao’s philosophy that people from different religions can work together to promote world peace and the well-being of human. There was an senior lady, who was doing recycling nearby, privately expressed her wishes to make a large donation. Concerned about the elderly lady’s livelihood, Bao-shiang Shih thanked her and politely declined, but she said, “It’s for our future descendants. I’m old and I have some savings. I’d like to do something that is of value to the world in the rest of my life. I would like to support the founding of the Museum of World Religions, so it can reach out to more people.” This further strengthens Bao-shiang Shih’s conviction in the founding work of MWR. Many stories amounted to a powerful will which gave birth to MWR and saw it thrives. As MWR approaches its twentieth year, the movement of “Love Earth Love Peace” makes more and more people realize the museum’s commitment for world peace, and where there’s belief there’s a will to make it a reality. 文 / 世界宗教博物館發展基金會 執行長 釋了意 和平願力 Believing in the Power of Peace by Venerable Dr. Liaoyi Shih, CEO of MWR Development Foundation
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