
26 編按: 新 加 坡 漢 傳 佛 學 院 (Institute of Chinese Buddhism),於今年六月因應新冠病毒爆發之際,於 線上舉辦國際研討會,以「在疫情時代中的信仰及 自然環境」(Faith and the Environment in the Pandemic Era)為題,邀請本館國際專案主任瑪麗哈比托博士(Dr. Maria Habito) 擔任主講人。 本研討會希望回應新冠病毒對於人類社會的挑 戰,尤其在後疫情時代,反思於信仰方面所引發的課 題,在環境保育方面有哪些課題?而靈性與宗教價值 觀能教導我們愛及保護環境嗎?瑪莉博士於本篇演講 中透過聖經與佛法的教導,提出她的見解,而面對世 界劇變,她提出兩個重要而可行的行動:「停止生態 殺戮 Stop Ecocide」及「生命和平大學」- 全面、跨宗 教和跨學科的方法;基於對於靈性生態和地球的愛, 為地球與氣候變遷提出解決方案。其演講稿全文特刊 載與讀者分享。 Religious values that can unite Humanity in addressing environmental crisis, and drawing lessons from the present Covid 19 Crisis. Faith: I grew up in Germany in a Catholic family, met my first Buddhist Teacher, Master Hsin Tao, who is founder of the Museum of World Religions and abbot of the Ling-Jiou Mountain Monastery at age 20 in Taiwan. My reflections on Faith and religious values are nurtured by both traditions. What does the Bible say about creation? The overall theme that emerges is its “Goodness.” God created the universe and everything in it and saw “that it was good, that it was “very good.” In the Book of Psalms, creation is seen as reflecting the goodness and glory of the Holy One, the creator, and the response of the entire creation, of the universe, is resounding joy and praise and gratitude: Psalm 19: The heavens are telling the glory of God and the firmament proclaims his handiwork….{In the heavens he has set the tent for the sun, which comes out like a bridegroom from his wedding canopy and like a strong man runs its course with joy. } Psalm 96, 10-12: Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it. Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them; let all the trees of the forest sing for joy. Psalm 65, 6-13 : By your strength you established the mountains…, you silence the roaring of the seas…, you visit the earth and water it…you crown the year with your bounty…the pastures of the wilderness overflow, the hills gird themselves with joy, the meadows clothe themselves with flocks, the valleys deck themselves with grain, they shout and sing together for joy.” Our human response to the goodness, to the gift of creation, is “Living our vocation (our calling) to be protectors of God’s handiwork” as Pope Francis says in Laudato Si, the Encyclical on the environment. This vocation, he emphasizes, “is essential to a life of virtue, and not an optional or a secondary aspect of our Christian experience. (Pope Francis, Laudato si’ §217) In other words, recognizing the goodness and bounty Faith and the Environment 信仰及自然環境 文 / 宗基國際計畫主任瑪麗博士 (Maria Habito) 國際交流