
R eligion is the central expression of human spiritual culture. There are many different religions in the world, each representing a different culture's search, experience, interpretation, and understanding of the richness of life. In today's globalized world it is essential to acquire an understanding of various religious and cultural traditions. Endowed with such an understanding, we are able to hear the music of the spiritual life resonating from the deepest levels of human experience. Since its inception seven years ago, the Museum of World Religions has been striving to promote human spiritual upliftment through its ideals of respect, tolerance, and love. Moreover, as we continue our endeavor to create an open and harmonious environment for dialogue which transcends the bounds of race, nationality, religion, and language, the wisdom thus generated increasingly illuminates the world. Only selfless love is truly capable of relieving sentient beings from their tribulations. Our sincere wish is to join together with others to promote the ideals of respect for all beliefs and races, love for all beings, and the creation of a global family of love and peace. By holding fast to these ideals we hope to create a pure land on Earth and bring the boundless Huayan realm into being, thus bringing into the world a positive, active force of unlimited good that will help mankind to realize its aspirations for peace. Ven. Liaoyi 宗 教是人類精神文化的核心。世界上 存在各種不同的宗教,代表各個不 同文化對生命意義多采多姿的探求、感 受、詮釋、領會。在全球化的今天,學習 不同宗教和文化的精神內涵是當今世代的 必修課。透過這一份學習,聆聽發自人類 最深層靈性生命的樂章,讓人們真誠的面 對彼此,和平共存。 世界宗教博物館開館至今七年,始終秉 持著「尊重、包容、博愛」的理念,為人類 提供靈性提升的場域。超越種族、國家、宗 教、語言,創造一個和諧、開放的對話平 臺,讓更多的智慧,在這個平臺上發光發 熱,互耀共榮。 只有無我的愛,才能真正帶領眾生走出 苦難。謹以「尊重每一個信仰,包容每一個 族群,博愛每一個生命,共創愛與和平地球 家」與知音者共勉之。 希望以此理念實踐人間淨土,顯現圓融 無礙的華嚴世界。為世界帶來正面、積極與 迴向無盡善緣的美好力量,為人類的和平帶 來具體的落實。 釋了意 合十 聆聽靈性生命的樂章 Listening to the Music of the Spiritual Life AWord From the ECO 4 執行長的話 執行長 的話