
今 年四月二十五日在大安森林公園中所 舉辦的「萬人禪修──全球寧靜運 動」,讓大家透過靜默禪修的方式,回到自 己的靈性,不貪著在無止盡的物質、感情、 財權、名利的追求中,而是達到內在的一種 安靜,從寧靜中提升自己的覺察力,從禪坐 中看到自己的心。 我們從自己個人出發,擴展到成千上萬 的人,大家一同傳達心靈和平的樣貌,一同 以這樣寧靜、簡單的行動,讓人與人之間、 人與社會之間,甚至是人與地球環境之間, 都能和諧平衡的共存共榮。 靈性與靈性之間本來沒有傷害,但這份 覺醒需要被引導與啟發,而最有效的方式就 是「禪修」。尤其在二十一世紀,這是一個 資訊超載、價值觀混淆的全球化時代,如果 全世界都能響應禪修活動,以「寧靜運動」 的概念讓每個人都能體會自心的寧靜,從心 開始改變世界,只要「心和平了,世界就和 平」。 在這個資訊爆炸的時代,人們往往疏忽 寧靜的重要,唯有在寧靜中找回自己,讓生 活正常化,才不會找不到依靠,找不到生活 目標,找不到寄託,唯有在寧靜中把真實的 生活找回來,喚醒我們與大自然的聯繫,才 能夠享受生命。 我們發願:傳播心靈福音,傳播地球永 續環保的理念、推動福慧雙修,讓世界生生 不息! 創辦人的話 18 創辦人 的話 In the midst of tranquility, silently illuminating the original mind. AWord From the Founder 寧靜中,默照本心 M editation for the Masses—The Global Inner Peace Movement was held at the Daan Forest Park in April. During the course of the event people learned how to practice silent meditation to awaken their spiritual nature and let go of attachment to the endless pursuit of possessions, wealth, relationships, and fame. This is how to attain the kind of inner tranquility which sharpens one's perception and increases self-awareness. We start with ourselves and then increasingly share our tranquility with others. Treading the path of peace together and leading lives of contentment and simplicity, we can enjoy peace and harmony in our relationship with others, society, and nature. Actually, on the spiritual level conflict doesn't exist, but awakening to this requires guidance, inspiration, and— most importantly—meditation. This is especially true in this era of information over load and the globa l i za t ion of confused values. The idea is to promote world peace by encouraging the practice of meditation. For inner peace is the starting point of world peace. In the hust le and bust le of the modern world, people tend to forget the importance of tranquility. But it is only in the midst of tranquility that we return to ourselves, live a natural and meaningful life, find what can really be relied on, and find what is worth making a commitment to. Only in serenity can we realize truth, awaken to our connection with nature, and appreciate life. We vow to: spread the glad tidings of the spirit; protect the Earth; promote the practice of merit and wisdom; and give the world a new lease on life!