
4 AWord From the Director 館長的話 館長 的話 台 灣的原住民族約有49萬人,各族群擁有 自己的文化特色、社會組織、語言、飲 食、服飾、工藝、歌舞等,是台灣獨一無二的 美麗瑰寶和文化資產,也是散布在印度洋和南 太 平 洋 上 近 三 億 人 的 南 島 語 族 ( t h e Austronesian)的祖源地。 原住民多樣化的生活方式與祭典儀式令 人著迷,神靈(Mana)信仰與禁忌(taboo) 觀念,穩定了人與自然的關係,維持社會文化 的秩序及領導階層的地位;特別是虔敬的祖靈 (Aboriginal ancestors)崇拜,以祈求豐 收、生命繁盛、守護部落與祈禳大地,是各部 落盛大舉行收穫祭、豐年祭的儀式核心。 本館今年度特展「祖靈的國度」,從七 月起同時展出三大主題:1.「原住民信仰文 化」,以自然崇拜、祖靈·惡靈、巫師、歲時 祭儀、生命禮俗的手工藝文物、攝影作品、情 境展示與教育展的形態,呈現原住民族的宗教 信仰及文化象徵;2.阿里山鄒族舉行部落宗教 儀式、聯絡祖先主要場所的達邦社男子會所 (庫巴Kuba)干欄式建築Pile dwellings模型 展;3.接引「跨越與連結—臺灣與南島文化 國際攝影」以南島文化共通語言—Ma t a (眼)、Lima(手)、Mana(神靈)為主軸 的攝影作品展覽。 透過照片記實、文物、模型與場景對 照,觀眾可以看到南島居民原真善良的容顏, 大自然賦予這塊土地的純淨,以及樂天知命、 崇敬祖靈的國度。本館更希望透過這個特展, 更認同與尊重臺灣原住民信仰文化,並瞭解南 島的原鄉在臺灣。 A Special Exhibition of Austronesian Culture in Taiwan and Abroad 臺灣原住民的祖靈與南島文化特展 T he Aboriginal tribes of Taiwan have a total population of around 490,000. Each tribe has its own culture, social organization, language, diet, dress, craftwork, music, and dance, constituting one of the island's most unique cultural assets. Moreover, Taiwan is the home of the Austronesian language family, which has some 300 million speakers spread throughout the Indian Ocean and the South Pacific. Taiwan's Aboriginal tribes have a great variety of lifestyles and ceremonies. Their taboos and belief in spirits serve to stabilize the relationship between man and the natural world, and also help to uphold social order and the class structure. Ancestor worship is an especially important part of Aboriginal culture, and is seen as a means for insuring prosperity, a plentiful harvest, protection, and the fertility of the soil, all of which are at the very center of each tribe's harvest festival. This year's special exhibition at the MWR, Nation of the Ancestors, opens in July a n d i s d i v i d e d i n t o t h r e e t h eme s . “ A b o r i g i n a l R e l i g i o n a n d Culture” introduces the religious beliefs and cultural symbols of Taiwan's aborigines through craft items, photos, and installations related to nature worship, ancestor worship, evil spirits, shamans, and rites of passage. “The Men’s House” displays a traditional p i l e d w e l l i n g , t h e m a i n s i t e f o r communication with the ancestors of the Tsou Tribe of Alishan. “Connections —Photographs of Austronesian Culture” is organized according to three words common to the Austronesian languages: mata(eye), lima(hand), and mana(spiritual power). The combined effect of the photos, artifacts, models, and contrasting scenes gives visitors a view of the genial nature of the Austronesian peoples and their intimate relationship with nature, as well as a way of l i f e b a s e d o n c o n t e n t e d n e s s a n d communication with the spirit world. We hope that the exhibition will help to increase unders tanding of and respect for the Aboriginal cultures of Taiwan—the original homeland of the Austronesian peoples.