
5 mwr10thAnniversary AWord From the Director 館長的話 九 ,這個數字的象徵意義(symbo l i c meaning)歷時久遠,自古以來在漢人 傳統社會視為神秘、神聖、象徵著天的久久之 數,是最大的陽數。9,在西方象徵美德,也 是有德之人的靈魂之數;古希臘天文學家托勒 密(Claudius Ptolemaeus)發想宇宙有九重 天,影響伊斯蘭世界和歐洲的科學發展;《聖 經》裡有九級天使,佛家指修行禪定的九種次 第為「九住心」,天主教的家庭傳統也有「九 日敬禮」的祈禱靈修。 古埃及認為9是每一列序數的終結以及醞 釀期的結束。2010年,民國九十九年11月9 日,是世界宗教博物館九歲生日,回顧宗博過 去的孜矻來路,我們以舉辦《宗風論談》慶祝 九週年館慶,邀請九位館員代表全體同仁、志 工團報告對於宗風實踐的心得,分享「慈悲與 禪」的本心如何融入博物館工作之中,以兢兢 業業之心,起動創意,期許創造未來永續的歲 歲月月。 十,是本源的回歸,象徵圓滿和完美。時 序跨入民國100年、迎接宗博10周年初始,我 們以「福到人間」特展迎春,與國立臺灣傳統 藝術總處「天地同春.壽文化大展」館際交 流,合作「雙館雙遊.福壽雙全」活動,以為 百禧年的賀禮,祝大家平安自在、福生善緣、 十全十美。 Bringing Happiness to the World 館長 的話 福到人間 I n Chinese culture the number nine has long symbolized longevity. A mysterious and sacred number, it represents the eternity of Heaven and is the most prominent of the y a n g n umb e r s i n a n c i e n t Ch i n e s e philosophy. In the West it symbolizes virtue as well as good luck, as can be seen in the expression“nine lives.”The ancient Greek astronomer Ptolemy believed that the universe had nine great heavens, an idea which influenced the development of science in both Europe and the Islamic world. In the Bible there are nine levels of angels, and in Buddh i sm t h e r e a r e n i n e s t ag e s o f concentration. In the Catholic tradition there is the novena, a prayer repeated on nine successive days. In ancient Egypt nine was the end of each series of ordinal numbers as well as the conclusion of the gestation period. 2010 was the 99 th year since the founding of the Republic of China, and on November 9 of this year the MWR celebrated its ninth anniversa- ry. As part of the celebration we reminisced about the long, hard road we have traversed together to get to where we are now, and also held a panel discussion in which nine staff members representing the various divisions of the MWR shared what they have learned over the past nine years, especially how to integrate compassion and meditation into our work at the MWR. It was also an opportunity for the sharing of insights and ideas for how to enhance the organization's sustainability. “Ten”represents perfection and return to the source. It is now the year 100 in the ROC calendar, and on the eve of the tenth anniversary of the MWR we are holding the special exhibition for the Chinese New Year titled“Bringing Happiness to the World.”We are also jointly organizing the event“Two Museums, Two Journeys—Happiness and longevity”in conjunction with the National Center for Traditional Art's special exhibition “Spring in Heaven and on Earth.”For the year 100, we wish you all much peace, con- tentment, and happiness.