
5 mwr10thAnniversary AWord From the Curator 館長的話 世 界宗教博物館是全球首座以介紹世界主 要宗教的核心價值、智慧、藝術、儀 式、生命歷程以及實踐法門的專業博物館,使 不同背景、有信仰或無信仰的觀眾能體驗到文 化的多樣性與宗教豐富多元性,以此培養對宗 教的相互理解與尊重,從而論述多樣文化及多 元宗教的社會需要。 宗教信仰的多樣性與民族文化的多元性是 人類珍貴的資產,也是一筆無限的資源。在博 物館的金色大廳中偈示:「愛是我們共同的真 理,和平是我們永恆的渴望」,博物館的典 藏、研究、展示、教育推廣活動,提供資訊、 美學、詮釋生命的意義和善知識的工作中向來 都把實踐「愛與和平」這一真理銘記於心;我 們深信:文化的價值沒有高低貴賤之分,所有 的宗教信仰無論有多少族群與其相聯繫,也無 論其所涉區域的大小,都具有平等的尊嚴和權 利;並且與各宗教團體、文化社群、相關博物 館等合作夥伴保持對話交流,以增進相互的欣 賞與尊重,共同推動社會穩定與世界和平。 世界宗教博物館開館即將屆滿十年,我們 將在館慶活動規劃「來自世界的祝福」特展, 期望繼續與各宗教、文化、博物館等機構團體 保持開放機制,使我們在各有特色、存異求同 的基礎上開展對話、交流。 每逢生日我們總會期待收到生日禮物和祝 福,一種象徵的、表達性的禮物,來增強合 作、交流、聯繫的紐帶與認同,祝賀為宗教的 愛、世界的和平所種下的大樹枝繁葉茂。 Gifts, Celebration, and Exchange 館長 的話 禮物、館慶與交流 Th e MWR is the first museum anywhere dedicated to presenting the main religions of the world, including their core, teachings, art, rituals, and rites of passage. As such, it is a place where people of diverse backgrounds - those of any religion or no religion at all - can experience the rich diversity of religion and culture, a process which promotes interreligious understanding and respect. Religious and cultural diversity are a precious and unlimited asset. In the Golden Lobby it is written, “Love is our shared truth; peace is our eternal hope.”All aspects of the MWR - the collection, research, exhibitions, education, outreach, and aesthetics - are a way of revealing the meaning of life, as well as Master Hsin Tao's central value of “love and peace.” We deeply believe in the equal value of all the cultures in the world. Likewise, we hold that all religions are worthy of equal respect, regardless of number of followers and extent of influence. Moreover, dialogue and exchange between different religions, cultural organizations, and related museums are a way of promoting the mutual respect and appreciation which are the foundation of social harmony and world peace. As part of the MWR's tenth anniversary celebration we are holding a special exhibition titled Blessings from around the World. Our aspiration is to maintain our “open-door policy” with regard to other organizations, be they religious, cultural, or other museums, at the same time continuing to sponsor dialogue and exchange based on the principle of unity in diversity. A birthday is a time to look forward to receiving gifts and greetings of symbolic value - the gifts of continuing involvement, interaction, association, and the reaffirmation of common values. In this way, we duly felicitate this flourishing tree planted with the love of religion, for the sake of world peace.