4 館長的話 AWord From the Director 館長 的話 博 物館角色發展的歷程,從 2009 年迄今具 有幾項特色,如:關心全球化 vs. 在地化 的對話,產業的核心價值趨向休閒、娛樂與觀 光,展示研究的主題逐漸轉變以民俗、信仰、 生活美學為主,經常辦理專題特展、校園巡迴 展、社區服務與博物館藏品的數位化產業,同 時比以往更重視文化創意的開發、地方知識的 消費;而博物館服務的對象,更熱衷尋找廣泛 的中產階層、觀光客與利基團體為主要受益民 眾。 從歷史發展而言,明清時代即有所謂的 「地方意識」,到日治時期「台灣人」的集體 意識才真正出現「台灣意識」。我們可以說 「地方意識」是台灣意識、歷史意識、族群意 識、省籍意識、城鄉意識的縮影;而對地方意 識導入博物館而言,是一種社區文化認同的生 活意識。 地方意識賦予地方居民深刻的認同感、 歸屬感及美學價值;最後轉化成博物館社區動 員的資源。這類地方意識來自田野調查、文史 工作的耕耘,遂包括:宗族網絡資料建立、地 方神祇儀式慶典、地方方言群意識、社區歷史 和地方生活記憶文物的蒐集整理保存與展演、 社群刊物書籍的編印以及社區終生學習之延伸 等等。世界宗教博物館2012年「說教有理─ 善書寶卷典藏特展」即呈現台灣地方生活意識 具體表徵的典範。 作為一個在文化傳承中永不完工的場 域,博物館早已被賦予一種與時俱進的變動性 格,必須將我們的視野與焦點移至社區認同及 更寬闊的世界變動中,更能促使我們消除藩 籬,開啟長遠的認同。 Museum Development and Local Consciousness 博物館發展與地方意識 I n recent years there has been much discussion of the various roles played by museums. Some of the more notable topics included in these discussions include globalization versus localization; leisure, tourism, and recreation as central values; the increasing use of such themes as folk customs, beliefs, and art; and special exhibitions, traveling exhibitions, community service, and digitization of the collection. These are all areas which tend to promote cultural creativity and local awareness. At the same time, museums are giving more importance to the middle class, tourism, and various special groups. Looking back on history, we can see that during the Ming and Qing dynasties there existed what we now refer to as “local consciousness,” and that it was during the Japanese occupation of Taiwan that “Taiwanese consciousness” first arose. So we might say that in the context of Taiwan, local consciousness is a way of combining being Taiwanese with an awareness of history, ethnicity, and place. For a museum, local consciousness means identifying with the local community and culture. Local consciousness provides residents of a particular place with a sense of identity and belonging; it also imparts a sense of aesthetics and ultimately helps museums mobilize community resources. This sort of local consciousness comes from field studies and cultural work, including data on clan networks; ceremonies and festivals in honor of local gods; local languages; collecting, documenting, preserving and displaying various items relating to local history; community publications; and lifelong learning. In 2012 the MWR is holding Books of Good Will Exhibition as a way of giving concrete expression to the religious side of local consciousness in Taiwan. As the locus of the never-ending endeavor of cultural transmission, a museum has to constantly strive to keep up with the times. A museum is also charged with the task of focusing our attention on community identity, breaking down mental barriers, and expanding our field of vision.
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