18 創辦人的話 創辦人 的話 找回人生的智慧 AWord From the Founder 資 訊時代最大的問題,就是沒有一個完整的 價值觀,在這裡面很容易迷失了我們的本 性,所以要找回人性,就要回到真實的世界, 找回社會價值觀、倫理道德,以及社會次序。 中國的儒釋道文化,是一個很好的生命關 係教育指南。比如說:儒家思想就是健全我們 的人際關係;道家思想就是建立人與自然間的 關係;佛家思想就是開啟我們人生的智慧,讓 這三者產生最好的融合,以新的理解重新詮 釋。 生命的源頭它本來就存在,只是我們沒有 注意到,所以必須用一個方法讓它開竅,等到 開悟了就可以真正的活,為自己、為眾生活, 是一個真正能夠付出的生命。 幸福的人生就是為大眾服務,有愛心才會 快樂,沒有愛心就找不到生命的喜悅,幸福也 來自我們自我肯定,肯定自己就會肯定別人、 為別人奉獻。要找到生命的意義,就是找回自 己的本來面目,找回了以後,生命就有了意 義。 儒釋道都是中華的精神寶藏,現代社會要 思考如何結合它們,重新運用、創造,尤其在 快速經濟起飛的現代,過度發展往往伴隨著重 重危機,更需要藉助傳統精神文化的內涵,重 新看待地球的未來。 Returning to the Wisdom of Life O ne o f t he b i gge s t p r ob l ems wi t h t he information age is a lack of positive values. In such a state of affairs it’s easy to lose touch with our true nature. What we need to do is to rediscover our latent humanity, return to the real world, and make ethics and morality the basis of social values and social order. Traditional Chinese society was guided by the teachings of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism. Confucianism focuses on proper interpersonal relationships; Daoism teaches us how to live in harmony with nature; and Buddhism teaches us how to cultivate wisdom. Taken together, the teachings of these three ancient. Wisdom is always there, but we don’t notice it. So we need to use various practices to recover our innate wisdom. When one finally succeeds in waking up to this innate wisdom, then one can live in a truly genuine way which is beneficial to both oneself and others. Happiness comes from helping others. Only when the heart is filled with love do we experience joy; without love we can never find happiness. Happiness also comes from having a sense of self- respect; for when we respect ourselves, we also respect others and try to be helpful. Finding the meaning of life means returning to your original face; as soon as you return to it, your life has purpose. Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism are the spiritual treasures of the Chinese people. As members of modern society, our task is to find new ways to integrate these treasures into our lives. This is especially important in the fast-paced age in which we live, an age in which each new “amazing development” seems to also give rise to a related crisis. It’s now readily apparent that the wisdom of traditional culture provides penetrating insight into the predicament of modern man, as well as guidance for charting a brighter future.
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