
4 館長的話 AWord From the Director 館長 的話 世界宗教藝術文化展 在北京盛大展出 20 11 年本館與北京首都博物館簽署互換交 流展合作約定,雙方同意互換展覽的基 本原則為 「 所有條件均等 」 ,如:雙方各自負責 展品的組織和運輸、保險及其費用;互為對方免 費提供展覽製作及場地;負責接待對方派出人 員;兩次特展的主辦單位署名由雙方共享等。 2011 年 11 月本館十週年館慶,展出《智慧華 嚴-北京首都博物館佛教文物珍藏展》,是兩館 首度合作的大展。 2012 年底本館首度跨海到首博 舉辦《台北世界宗教博物館-世界宗教藝術文化 展》,從歷史、藝術及生命禮俗的角度詮釋七大 主題的宗教藝術文物,介紹世界主要宗教的特 點、內涵與核心價值。 期許透過本展的觀眾,分享對不同宗教的 理解,消弭偏見,增進相互欣賞與尊重,進一步 以展覽為媒介,展現莊嚴神聖的文化底蘊及藝術 美感,益增兩岸社會有所認識、關注與啟發外, 也藉由本展以信仰之真‧善‧美‧聖,善妙地將 創辦人心道師父的創館理念推向五朝帝都北京; 同時在兩館各有特色、存異求同的基礎上,促進 兩岸文化藝術與文博界的交流對話,帶動兩岸溝 通與永久和平。 本展得以順利展出,特別感謝:香港旭日 集團、台灣富邦產險、勤勞社會福利慈善基金 會、粵海湘天、豪志工程、金立昆、劉芳伉儷全 家、孔曲波、史美靜、燿華電子、頑石創意及良 茂建設機構的贊助與協助。 The MWR Travels to Beijing In 2011 the MWR and Beijing's Capital Museum entered into a cooperation and exchange agreement based on the principle of equal partnership. As such, the source museum is responsible for organizing and shipping its own exhibition items, as well as the related insurance and fees; the host museum provides and prepares the venue free of charge, and also provides accommodation for the personnel sent by the source museum. In conjunction with the 10th anniversary of the MWR, in November 2011 we held our first cooperative exhibition: The Wisdom of Huayan—Buddhist Art from Beijing's Capital Museum. Our second cooperative exhibition, Religious Art from around the World, was held in Beijing at the end of 2012; this was the first over seas exhibi t ion for the MWR. The exhibition introduced the major religions of the world through a presentation of their respective histories, art, customs, and ceremonies. Our hope is that the exhibition has given visitors a deeper understanding of different religions, so as to dispel prejudice and engender mutual appreciation and respect. The exhibition was also intended to present the profound beauty of sacred art, as well as increasing cross-strait understanding and harmony by introducing people in Beijing to Master Hsin Tao's teachings on truth, goodness, beauty, and sacredness. To be sure, each museum has its own character, but emphasizing the beauty and richness of our common heritage is an effective way to foster cross-strait communication and long-term peace. Finally, for their generous support of the exhibition, we are grateful to the following sponsors: The Glorious Sun Group, Fubon Insurance Company, Pro-Diligence Charitable Foundation, Yue Hai Xiang Tian, Hao Chih Construction & Engineering Co., Ltd., Unitech, Bright Ideas Design, Liangmao Construction Co., Ltd., the Liu family, Jin Likun, Kong Qubo, and Shi Meijing. ◎江韶瑩