4 執行長的話 AWord From the CEO ◎釋了意 法師 信仰的覺醒 字造新時代 生 命的每一刻覺醒,都存在著一種信仰,而 信仰,是生命共通的語言。每個人,總有 本心被喚起、被觸動的時刻,那些領悟,常是來 自一個字,或是一個詞句,也許簡簡單單,卻蘊 藏著最自然的情感內涵,讓人如沐春風法雨。 年輕世代大量受西方現代文化薰陶,逐漸忽 略我們相濡以沬的漢字文化,然而,近年來東風 西漸,「漢字」不再僅是博物館內的珍藏歷史, 更是全球華人在世界舞台綻放光芒的文化立基 點。為了鼓勵年輕族群及全球華人深入欣賞漢字 藝術及字裡行間的文化故事,「漢光教育基金 會」將傳統漢字美學作為創意題材、用現代數位 科技作為發揮載體,自 2010 年起正式舉辦「漢光 獎-漢字動畫創意競賽」。 創作者自經典書冊、宗教哲學,或是個人生 命歷程與信仰的各種可能連結中取材,呈現宗教 經典中重要的文字或信仰精神,或詮釋跨宗教文 化的異同,以經典文句或文字為出發點,並以動 畫科技媒材探討文字之起源、涵義、用法、字體 變化以及六書原則,豐富了文字的面貌,進而達 到漢字文化與生命教育的推廣。 世界宗教博物館在 12 周年慶之際,與「漢光 教育基金會」合作舉辦「字游字載漢字動畫 展」,以家的概念為出發點囊括歷年作品,訪客 可尋找自己姓氏的堂號、製作個人化祖譜,更有 e 筆書法臨摹、八種字體的演變展示、名家字帖 展示等。我們期望透過「信仰」來深化文字內 涵,經由理性與感性兼具的動畫作品,彰顯信仰 的美善、個人心靈的淨化啟發,發揮科技藝術的 價值和生命教育功能。 The Awakening of Faith Chinese Characters in the Modern World F aith is the seed of awakening; it also serves as a kind of lingua franca. Often it’s a single word or a simple phrase that triggers a profound insight or even a powerful sense of being bathed in the soothing waters of Dharma. For a long time Chinese people have been looking West to see what the future holds, in the process gradually overlooking the genius and glory of Chinese Culture and its carrier—Chinese characters. More recently, however, the tide is beginning to turn, and increasing numbers of people worldwide are coming to recognize the great significance of the ancient writing system of China. As a way of encouraging young people and overseas Chinese to appreciate the beauty of Chinese characters, since 2010 the Hanguang Education Foundation has been sponsoring the “HANimation Contest.” As for the subject matter, the contestants select important passages from the scriptures and classics, or from any other source of wisdom, and then use animation to illustrate the characters’ development, meaning, use, and the six principles of Chinese character formation. This contest helps popularize Chinese characters and advocate life education. The results are both edifying and entertaining. As part of our twelfth anniversary celebration, the MWR is joining together with the Hanguang Education Foundation to hold an exhibition on a n ima t i o n a n d Ch i n e s e c h a r a c t e r s t i t l e d “HANimation.”With the family as the main theme, the exhibition gives visitors a chance to find their family’s tanghao (mythological place name), make a family tree, and produce electronic calligraphy. It also includes demonstrations of the eight styles of Chinese calligraphy and samples of famous calligraphers’ works. These events are intended to not only showcase the genius and beauty of Chinese characters, but also to deepen our understanding of Chinese culture and inspire faith in the wisdom and goodness of the human spirit.
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