
18 創辦人的話 從漢字進入儒釋道文化核心 AWord From the Founder 九 月上旬,我到北京大學參加了宗博與 Fetzer Institute 合作的跨文化主題對談:「中華儒 釋道文化中的仁愛與寬恕」。而年底,世界宗教 博物館與漢光教育基金會將於十二週年館慶前夕 合作推出「字游字載漢字動畫展」,一方面刺激 大眾對文化創意溯源,一方面也反省我們的儒釋 道文化根源。 全球化浪潮下,探討「仁愛與寬恕」的全 球實踐,非常具啟發性。因為「全球化」凸顯了 「多元共生」的重要性,多元差異的世界,須確 切體認「多元共生」的現實,進而發展「和諧共 存」的智慧,地球文明才能永續。 千年來,中華儒釋道文化傳播融合的歷史 進程中,已具足「多元、和諧、共生」的經驗, 其核心正是「仁愛與寬恕」。生命因「愛」而成 立,世界因「寬恕」而和諧,這也符合各宗教修 行追求的終極目標。 「文字」承載人類文明,也是文化思想的 基因,「漢字」所包含的文化體系是世界最偉大 豐富的智慧財產之一,認識漢字等於掌握打開中 華文化寶藏的鑰匙,開啟了儒家「大同世界」、 道家「道法自然」,佛家「華嚴世界」的精髓寶 庫,漢字展覽讓我們重新回味古人的智慧,也認 識到文化傳承的重要。 宗博提倡跨宗教、跨文化的「生命教 育」,根本上基於兼容並蓄的儒釋道文化,這多 元開放、和諧共融的特質,既是傳統的基礎,也 是創造的源頭,正是帶動世界進步的要素。 Chinese Characters and the Heart of Chinese Culture In the beginning of September I participated in a conference titled “ Benevolence and Forgiveness in Chinese Culture " organized by the MWR and the Fetzer Institute. At the end of this year the MWR is joining together with the Hanguang Education Foundation to hold an exhibition on animation and Chinese characters titled “ HANimation. " These events are intended to generate increased interest in Chinese culture, which has its roots in Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism. In this age of globalization, discussion on how to implement the ideals of benevolence and forgiveness are highly relevant and edifying. Globalization highlights the importance of diversity and interdependence; understanding this promotes long-term peaceful coexistence of civilizations which are very different from one another. The harmonious interaction of the three main religions of China — Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism — can be attributed to the great importance they all give to benevolence and forgiveness. Love brings prosperity, and forgiveness brings harmony; these are central principals in all religions. Words serve to transmit culture and ideas. The cultural system transmitted by Chinese characters is a repository of ancient wisdom. Chinese characters are the key to opening the huge treasure chest of Chinese culture — the Great Unity of Confucianism; the Natural Harmony of Daoism; and the Huayan Realm of Buddhi sm. Thi s exhibi t ion on Chinese characters provides insight into the wisdom of the ancients, as well as the importance of cultural transmission. The MWR promotes an interreligious and i n t e r c u l t u r a l mov eme n t we c a l l “ l i f e education. " The unity-in-diversity exemplified by the interaction of the three religions of China forms the base of our tradition, stimulates a model of creativity, and contributes to the harmonious evolution of the world. ◎心道法師