
4 執行長的話 AWord From the CEO ◎釋了意 法師 萬流歸一:凝聚善心淨念 轉 眼之間,世界宗教博物館已邁入 12 周年。 多年來,世界寰宇災難、衝突頻仍,人心 也難得清靜,因此,心道法師希望各界能透過相 互間的尊重包容,推動愛與和平,安定人心,這 也是本館成立的最大目的。 2013 年 11 月 9 日館慶這天,也是世界宗教和 諧日,很高興各宗教代表認同宗博館創館精神 「尊重‧包容‧博愛」而齊聚一堂,一起點亮人 們心中愛與和平的種子。同時,特別邀請韓國通 度寺殊眼禪師、水墨名家李義弘先生和心道法師 為我們畫了「拈花微笑」三幅系列水墨,展現禪 機對話,感受禪修的沉靜和自在;此外,英國錫 克教代表親贈兩頁近 200 年歷史的錫克教手抄聖 典,其內文精神與本館推動愛與和平的理念相 同,更驗證了各宗教間本是「萬流而歸一」。 透過祈禱與願力傳遞對眾生的祝福,無論什 麼宗教、何種流派,都能呈現愛與和平的世界一 家。未來,我們期望這份祝福可以更有效傳遞, 因此,宗博館當前致力於結合臺灣在地產官學的 力量,連結關心教育、文化的企業及文教基金會 等單位,共同支持宗博館這座平台。例如,與漢 光教育基金會這兩年來的合作,擦出了精彩的火 花。我們不單以「漢字」為主題進行策展,並結 合數位藝術與生命教育,傳達生命意義。期許將 來有更多人支持這座充滿生命意義與人文關懷的 宗博館,臻至消弭世上所有的紛擾。 All Things Return to the One—Manifesting Benevolence and Purity of Mind In the wink of an eye, the MWR has been open for 12 years. As we look around, we see so much conflict, turmoil, and anxiety in the world. This is why Master Hsin Tao established the MWR as a platform for promoting love and peace, mutual understanding and respect, and peace of mind. On November 11, 2013 the MWR celebrated its 12th anniversary. This day is also observed as the World Religious Harmony Day, and it was a great pleasure to see so many representatives of different faiths come together to reaffirm the central values of the MWR—respect, tolerance, and universal love. As part of the celebration, we invited Master Shuyan of the Tongdo Temple in South Korea and acclaimed artist Li Yihong to join Master Hsin Tao in painting a series of three ink-wash paintings expressing the spirit of Chan Buddhism. Also on this day, representatives of the Sikh community in the UK presented the museum with 2 pages of the 200-year-old, hand-copied scripture which presents the MWR ideals of love and harmony in a way which demonstrates that “All things return to the one.” We may belong to different religions or sects, but our underlying unity is evident in the way we all use prayer and vows to convey our blessings to all sentient beings. The MWR is a collaborative effort; since it relies on the combined support of various organizations promoting education, culture, and commerce, you can say that the MWR represents the coming together of business, government, and academia. For example, in recent two years we have collaborated with the Hanguang Education Foundation to hold “Hanimation,”a special exhibit combining digital art and life education. We hope that in the future even more groups and individuals will join us in our continuing endeavor to promote art, culture, and world harmony.