
18 創辦人的話 大時代中的生命全景 AWord From the Founder 今 年是宗博館十二周年,我們在反省與警惕 中忙碌到了年終,這期間基金會與全館同 仁有許多提升,也有許多待努力之處,我們都要 謙卑學習以面對來年的時代騰躍。 今年我們陸續辦了「禪示天地」特展、還 有「字游字載漢字動畫展」來呼應靈鷲山三十 周年開山慶祝,還邀請李豐楙教授展示豐富的 道教文物收藏,也完成新北市信仰地圖計畫。 在這一年內,我們覺得社會的長期肯定已經醞 釀變成一股深厚的生命和平力量。 新舊年度之際,我希望凸顯中華文化優美 傳統,也連接靈鷲山立禪風、傳心燈的法脈; 由衷不能忘記創館的使命任務:我們要因應今 天全球化的衝擊,促進多元宗教的相互理解與 包容,提升多元共生的生命觀照,這是一個大 時代的契機。所謂「大時代」,就是能超越時 間和空間,推動愛與和平、相依相存,走向多 元的大世紀,這是體現愛人愛物的時代。所 以,藉著宗博館,我們可以持續連接更多社會 有緣,幫助人們找回心靈的原點與生命的泉 源。 宗博館一貫的教育使命,實在就是對生命 真誠推動多元共生、相依互存、和諧互動、世 界和平,創造屬於這個大時代的生命全景,在 其中,讓一切生命被啟發,有更美好的展現與 進步。 Taking a Panoramic View in This Age of Opportunity T he MWR is now at the end of its 12th year, and it was a busy one. At both the museum and foundation, there were a number of promotions, yet there is still room for improvement in a lot of areas. So when facing the challenges of the coming year we need to have a humble attitude and keep on learning. This year, in conjunction with the 30th anniversary celebration of Ling Jiou Mountain, we held a number of exhibitions: Ha n i ma t i o n; Ch a n — Th e Sm i l e o f Enlightenment; and The All-embracing Dao, an exhibition featuring a large number of Daoist items presented to the Museum by our old f r iend Li Fengmao. We al so completed the “ Belief Map " of New Taipei City. In general, we can see that support and interest from the community is growing stronger. The New Year holiday is a good time to appreciate some of the fine traditions of Chinese culture, as well as the tradition of Chan Buddhism being passed on at Ling Jiou Mountain. We also have to keep in mind the central mission of the MWR: fac i l i t a t ing int er re l igious di a logue, u n d e r s t a n d i n g , a p p r e c i a t i o n , a n d cooperation. Indeed, this is an age of great oppor tuni ty, a t ime for overcoming obstacles, promoting love, peace, and interdependence; embracing diversity; and spreading goodwill throughout the world. So at the MWR we want to continue striving to strengthen our connections with the wider community, and to encourage people to get in touch with their spiritual source. Finally, this is an age of opportunity for creating a better world for all, for which purpose we need to take a panoramic view of things while promoting diversity, peaceful coexistence, and world peace. ◎心道法師