
4 執行長的話 AWord From the CEO 再現緬甸 佛國印記 2 014 年春夏之交,「黃金佛國——緬甸信仰 與人文」特展於世界宗教博物館盛大展開 了。本特展主要分為「緬甸的人文與生活」、 「佛塔建築」、「緬甸與臺灣」、「宗教藝術及 工藝」等四大主題,是臺灣首次完整呈現緬甸人 文與信仰的展覽。 佛教傳入緬甸已有一千多年歷史,而緬甸 是南傳上座佛教的重要發展區,他們尊奉巴利 文三藏經典,也就是臺灣通稱的「南傳佛 教」。目前,緬甸有九成左右的人口是虔誠的 佛教徒,每天生活都是由佛教開始至佛教結 束。在社會意識上,將男子出家看待成為一個 成熟男子的重要過程;而遍佈其國土的「佛 塔」,更可得知佛教在緬甸社會中有著相當重 要的社會意涵。總的來說,無論在人文生活的 實踐、佛塔建築的成就,或是藝術工藝的展 現,緬甸在在呈現了無時無刻不與佛相依相待 的生命印記。從這些生活點滴,不難織繪出緬 甸尊佛禮佛的佛國景象。 自古以農立國的緬甸,近年來隨著經濟開 放,逐漸富裕起來,人民生活及社會文化各方 面,都大有進步,讓人更能感受到古老佛國在 當代所展現的新氣象。透過本次的展覽,希望 能讓更多人看見緬甸,深入感受緬甸佛國的法 喜與平和。 In the spring and summer of this year the MWR is holding a special exhibition titled T he Land of the Golden Buddha—Religion and Culture in Myanmar. This comprehensive exhibition on Myanmar —the first of its kind to be held in Taiwan—is divided into four themes: “Life and Culture”; “Buddhist Stupas”; “Myanmar and Taiwan”; and “Religious Art.” Myanmar has a rich Buddhist heritage stretching back over a thousand years. Today about 90 percent of the population follows Theravada Buddhism, the southern branch of Buddhism based on the Pali Canon. In fact, Buddhism plays a role in every aspect of daily life, as can be seen by the huge number of stupas found throughout Myanmar. Moreover, a young man is only considered to have reached full maturity after having spent at least some time in the monkhood. Indeed, every aspect of life in Myanmar—culture, architecture, the arts— has been shaped by the nation’s reverence for the Buddha. While Myanmar remains a predominantly agricultural society, with steady economic development in recent years the nation is gradually becoming more prosperous, bringing about wide- reaching changes in society, culture, and how Buddhism is practiced. We hope that this exhibition will provide visitors with a lasting impression of everyday life in contemporary Myanmar, as well as a deep appreciation of the nation’s ancient Buddhist heritage.