
4 執行長的話 AWord From the CEO ◎釋了意 法師 異域認同 嶄新未來 當 全球進入 21 世紀,面臨的是新文化思潮與 異域認同所帶來的衝擊,因此重新思考或 詮釋未來人文的開創與實踐,是今時國際社會與 個人需要努力的目標,更是一種責任。這種「異 域認同」所著重的不僅是橫向平行的空間異域, 也包含縱向垂直的時間異域,身在新時代的我們 不僅要給後代開創嶄新的未來,也要把過去歷史 所走過的文化軌跡,傳承給下一代。 基於此, 2014 年的世界宗教博物館有了新的 企圖與展望。我們將次第舉辦兩種異域概念的特 展,一是屬於空間異域展覽:「黃金佛國——緬 甸信仰與人文特展」將於 5 月展出,將現今該國 文化、佛教信仰、聖地建築以及臺、緬間的交 流,以多元文化的方式呈現給大眾;二是屬於時 間異域展覽:由本館與中國北京首都博物館、北 京法海寺攜手合作的「北京法海寺壁畫藝術展」 ( 暫名 ) 將於 11 月展出,藉由高科技的展示方式, 在臺重現原本只能在法海寺現地才能見到的珍貴 明代宮廷壁畫,讓觀眾得以深入殊勝絕倫、斑斕 多彩的佛教藝術與東方美學。 正如宗博館創辦人心道法師於開春時提出 「騰躍大時代」的呼籲,期勉我們積極面對超越 時空、多元共生時代的來臨。宗博館希冀透過這 兩項由十字軸心所開展的兩大特展內容,傳遞宗 教的生命意義,發揮人文關懷的精神,為新世代 注入前瞻與遠見。 Insightfully Entering a Whole New Future I n this age of rapid change throughout the world, we need to re-evaluate the future due to the surge of foreign cultures and new trends of thoughts; we also need to closely consider the direction we're heading in, both as individuals and as a society. Preparing for what the future has in store requires understanding the changes that are taking place in both time and space. At this juncture in time our collective duty is to open up a brighter future by passing on to the next generation all the wisdom we have inherited from the past. Based on these considerations, in 2014 the MWR is holding two special exhibitions. The first one reflects the theme of change in terms of space. Titled “The Land of the Golden Buddha—Religion and Culture in Myanmar,” this exhibition opens in May, and presents Myanmar's rich Buddhist heritage, as well as its interaction with Taiwan. The second exhibition opens in November and reflects the theme of change in terms of time. Tentatively titled “Murals of the Fahai Temple,” this exhibition is being arranged in cooperation with Beijing's Capital Museum. By making use of the latest technology, we have reproduced these exquisite Buddhist murals made on the royal court during the Ming dynasty. Visitors will learn more about Buddhist art and oriental aesthetics in appreciating these murals. As Master Hsin Tao has stated, in this time of momentous change we need to positively make a concerted effort to transcend the limitations of time and space and bring diverse cultures into harmony, so as to be well prepared for whatever the future has in store. These two special exhibitions are intended to convey the paramount significance of religious belief, promote the spirit of compassion, and encourage introspection about the future.