
4 執行長的話 AWord From the CEO 從 西班牙北部的阿爾塔米拉( Altamira ) 動物狩獵壁畫,到文藝復興時代眾多藝 術巨匠們為各處教堂描繪精彩絕倫的宗教壁畫 來看,壁畫主題遍及生活各項經驗,是一種普 遍表現人類精神觀的記錄痕跡。然而,壁畫不 僅是牆上的史書,更是心靈精神上的寄託,因 為在這些壁畫中大多數是為了「信仰」而創作 的。 以宗教為主題的壁畫,往往帶有「教育」 與「傳承」的意味存在。通常出現在從事宣教 活動之處,不但可以透過裝飾呈現肅穆莊嚴的 氛圍,更能傳達該宗教之哲思。華夏文明亦是 如此,自佛教傳入後,宗教壁畫大量出現於中 國各地,並且,又以奉敕建造,由宮廷畫匠所 繪的壁畫最為難得。於今日較著名者概有「敦 煌莫高窟」、「山西永樂宮」以及「北京法海 寺」等等,它們分別代表了中國中世紀壁畫藝 術的精髓。其中,「法海寺壁畫」堪稱明代壁 畫中的最高典範,原因在於除了人物、構圖、 色彩等等的繪畫技巧精緻高超外,壁畫的保存 狀況更是幾近完好如初,難能可貴。 為了讓台灣民眾不用遠行便能近距離欣賞 法海寺壁畫,並進一步能以現代多媒體的技術 發揮古代壁畫無法表達的義理。幸得緣於近年 來與「北京首都博物館」交流合作的美好經 驗,宗博館將於11月上旬再度與北京首博合 作,策劃「重彩流金六百年—壁畫 故事 法海 寺」特展。本次展示內容扣緊「信仰」與「藝 術」,運用多元的動態展示手法,盡現其生動 豐富的內涵。如此氣勢磅礡的年度展覽巨獻, 屆時期待您的參與,感受明代巨擘宮廷畫士們 的竭力之作,即使初見震撼,當下必能如沐靜 謐,神遊虛空境地。 The Legendary Frescoes of the Fahai Temple F rom the Paleolithic paintings in the Cave of Altamira in northern Spain, to the exquisite frescoes of Renaissance churches, wall paintings have always been a way of giving expression to the human spirit and our most highly cherished beliefs. As for religious murals, they mainly serve the dual purpose of education and transmitting the faith. Murals seen at religious activities not only help to create a solemn atmosphere, but also serve to convey the central teachings of the religion. Shortly after Buddhism came to China, Buddhist murals began to appear throughout the land, and those created by royal decree were especially fine. Amongst the best murals of the medieval period are those which can still be seen in the Mogao Caves at Dunhuang, the Yongle Temple in Shanxi, and the Fahai Temple in Beijing. Due to the paramount skill with which they were created, as well as their excellent state of conservation, the frescoes at Fahai Temple are regarded as the epitome of Ming dynasty wall painting. Thus we are greatly pleased to announce that in early November the MWR will be holding a special exhibition titled “600 Years of Gold and Pigment : The Legend of Fahai Temple Mural” Held in collaboration with Beijing’s Capital Museum, in addition to making these exquisite works of art easily accessible to people throughout Taiwan, this exhibition uses the latest multi-media technology to present their colorful history and the masterful techniques with which they were created. As one of the highlights of this year’s lineup at the MWR, this exhibition is sure to both excite and delight. We sincerely look forward to your visit. 壁畫之美 法海傳奇