
H an Baode, the first curator of the MWR, passed away in November. I very much miss his candid admonitions. I remember Han’s reply when he was asked about the possibility of creating similar museums in other countries. He replied, “Impossible! No one could possibly reproduce the MWR. The MWR is a unique creation of hundreds of thousands of people inspired by Master Hsin Tao, something that could never be reproduced. The best you can do is to pass it on.” I had an inexplicably strong sense of affinity with Mr. Han, and I’m very grateful to have known him. The MWR opened in 2001, yet we still hadn’t found a curator; thus I decided to approach Han again. He actually accepted, even though the position entailed a heavy workload and the MWR was largely dependent on donations. I’ll never forget his reply: “As an academic in Taiwan, my only regret is that I didn’t accept when you first approached me; I’m afraid this may have led to some misunderstanding.” This marked the beginning of our close collaboration. Han had conceived and organized quite a few unique exhibitions which won popular acclaim. Even after he stepped down in 2008, he continued to oversee the construction work at Ling Jiou Mountain, and he never missed an opportunity to speak in praise of the MWR. Moreover, Han was instrumental in making “life education” an important part of the MWR’s mission, with the result that life education is now becoming a part of the curriculum at elementary and secondary schools throughout Taiwan. Han understood me. He once said that no matter who is serving as the curator, the most important thing is to keep alive the spirit of the MWR. He knew how important the promotion of life education is to me; he also understood my plan to apply our experience with the MWR to the establishment of the “University of Life and Peace.” Although he also shared this aspiration of mine, it’s sad to think that he won’t be here to see it come to fruition. Han is forever the most exemplary pilot of life education. 4 創辦人的話 AWord From the Founder 甲 午冬,漢寶德走了,宗博要跨向第十四 年,我蠻思念他,還有他許多直率的箴 言。 記得十週年館慶時,有記者問漢先生:聽 說有許多國家都提出要複製宗博,宗博怎麼 看?老漢直接回答他:「不可能!」他說: 「宗博不可能複製,這是心道法師帶動幾十萬 人做出來的,這種經驗不可能複製,只有傳承 下去。」 我跟漢先生有許多難解難得又難忘的緣 分,我很感謝他。 記得宗博開館前二年,為了尋聘開館館 長,我曾經去拜訪漢先生,當時他因為公職在 身而拒絕我,一直到開館時,我們還沒有找到 館長,這一年我們很辛苦,所以我回頭又想到 他,就在開館第二年,他在周遭親朋好友都不 看好的情況下,還是力排眾議,就任到位,當 時館務繁雜,教團經濟都靠勸募,我很感謝他 一口答應,他說:「身為台灣的一位知識份 子,很過意不去的是,當年沒有適時伸出援 手,才讓心道法師在開館時蒙受許多誤會。」 我們的合作開始於這一份「知交」。 漢先生為宗博豎立許多里程碑,從接任開 始,他為宗博籌畫許多膾炙人口的經典展出, 至今仍是台灣首見,即使館務卸任後、擔任聖 山建設總監的他,只要一有機會站台就是幫宗 博做口碑,一有出書也是娓娓道說宗博的一 切,他將「生命教育」作為宗博理念的傳承計 畫,目前得到全台灣各級中小學的響應而持續 發酵中。 漢先生理解我,他曾說過館長可以不要 做,但宗博的精神要傳承下去!我很懷念他。 他知道我繼續就是要將宗博「生命教育」貫徹 下去,我一直的心願就是要把宗博延展成「生 命和平大學習」的計畫,他完全理解,也參與 其中,雖然他來不及看到。漢先生是宗博館至 始至終一位最典範的生命領航員。 漢寶德,讓宗博更傳神!