博物館之門 6 與常設展區錄製成影片,做網路導覽,觀眾可透過 網路觀賞。 我們邀請知名學者專家擔任典藏委員,積極的 盤點藏品,於六月底前完成一半館藏品約二千件的 鑑定與分級工作。就文物的歷史、藝術、文化價值 以及就特性的面向:稀有性、獨特性、脈絡性做判 斷,逐一加以分級與分類登錄。之後,將可進一步 的分析典藏資源、規畫新的展覽專題,以古說今, 並將選出一級品出版圖錄或開發文創設計,化為時 尚用品,為當代文化注入傳統精華,讓典藏資源發 揮社會效用。 此外,六月推出兩個特展:「遇見神佛 9 號 - 祈福漫畫特展 【古往今來篇】」與在兒童館展出的 「愛與勇氣的冒險之旅」生命教育主題特展-初生 與成長。主要給青少年、兒童參觀,透過互動裝置, 在遊戲中學習生長的惜福,領悟處世的態度。 「遇見神佛 9 號 - 祈福漫畫特展 【古往今來 篇】」:以趣味的漫畫型式去陳述神佛的慈悲威力, 而觀音的變化身向來有百八法相,21 世紀的觀音菩 薩,則以時代的形象,廣披恩澤給社會大眾,尤其 是年輕人可以看的懂的法相。日本於 2011 年大海嘯 後推出神佛的漫畫展,巡迴各地,本館兩年多前籌 備邀展,如今恰遇全球瘟疫,延續了祈福之意,此 展並邀國內的漫畫家共襄盛舉。 信仰文化的形式會隨社會潮流演變,但是宗教 的教義本質始終如一,帶給人心和平與寬懷。 external objects and environment and their own meaning of life? The museums not only interpret relics, but also guide the public’s introspection on their relationship with nature, with society, and with themselves. In order to carry forward Museum of World Religions’ core value of life education, the museum produces videos of our special exhibitions and permanent exhibitions and post them online for the public viewing. We invite experts to help with the inventory and sorting of collections according to their values in history, art, culture, rarity, uniqueness, and relevance, which will greatly enhance our planning of future exhibitions. Learning from the past to foresee the future development of our society. We would also select class A items for publications and merchandise design supplies. In addition, there are two special exhibitions in June –“Meeting Buddha and Deities No. 9-Blessing Comic Exhibition” and the “Birth and Growth” exhibition in the children’s hall –for teenagers and children to learn in play with interactive devices. In the “Meeting Buddha and Deities No. 9” exhibition, Buddha and deities are shown in comics form, contrasting to their traditional images. With these modern renditions, their blessings would surely reach more people, especially young people. Works from 101 comics artists, from Japan and Taiwan are shown in this extraordinary exhibition. The forms of religious culture evolve with the trends of the society, but the essence of the religion remains the same, which brings peace and comfort to people.
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