文化櫥窗 1. Pope Francis' prayer to VirginMary for protection from coronavirus 2.古儒吉大師(Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar)發表「新冠病毒~危機就是轉機」 3.國際佛教聯盟(IBC)號召全球佛教徒為疫情祈禱心道法師受邀為大眾開示祝福 (第58分) (註1) (註2) (註3) 4 新冠肺炎疫情襲捲全球,疫情限制著彼此的距離,卻無法隔離大家 的心,年初開始就有許多宗教領袖「上線」與大家相聚及勉勵:教宗方 濟各(Pope Francis)向聖母瑪利亞祈禱以預防冠狀病毒 (註 1) ,並首 次以線上直播方式主持復活節彌撒、古儒吉大師(Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar)發表「新冠病毒~危機就是轉機」 (註 2) 、國際佛教聯盟 (International Buddhist Confederation)號召全球佛教徒於線上為疫情祈 禱 (註3) 、天主教梵蒂岡與伊斯蘭教阿拉伯聯合大公國共同成立之「人 類兄弟情誼高層委員會」(Higher Committee of Human Fraternity)於線 上依循各自的宗教、信仰和教義「祈禱、懇求、守齋並力行慈悲善功」, 祈求終止疫情,世界宗教博物館創辦人心道法師以宗教領袖身分受梵 諦岡邀約響應。 世界宗教博物館貫徹愛與和平的精神,尊重每一個信仰、包容每一 個族群、博愛每一個生命,其創辦理念為讓不同宗教與信仰者能有一 個地方,保存他們的智慧與藝術,實踐「百千法門 同歸方寸」,此次 疫情與宗博理念不謀而合,不同的宗教於此同時於網路平台上相會, 大家可以在網絡中依循自己的信仰彼此祝禱,成為「線上」的世界宗 教博物館。20 年前在巴爾幹半島探訪戰後遺跡時曾有記者詢問:「人 類真的有和平嗎?」心道法師回答:「心和平,世界就和平」。當越 多人共同為平安所祈禱並祝福,相信我們也能很快恢復平安。 Covid-19 has taken the world by storm. The pandemic has kept everyone apart physically, yet we’re still connected spiritually. Since the beginning of the year, religious leaders from Catholic Church *1 , Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar *2 , and International Buddhist Confederation *3 have gone online to encourage the public; among which Catholic and Islamic leaders cofounded Higher Committee of Human Fraternity for joint prayers online, where MWR founder Venerable Chan Master Hsin Tao was invited by the Vatican to join in the efforts as a religious leader. The Museum of World Religions respect for all faiths, tolerance for all culture, and love for all life. In MWR, different religions and believers can preserve their wisdom and art. And during this pandemic, different religions come together online and pray for one another according to their own practice, which is practically an online equivalent of MWR. When visiting war relics at Balkans 20 years ago, Master Hsin Tao was asked by reporters, “Can there be peace for mankind?” Master Hsin Tao said, “When the mind is at peace, the world is at peace.” When there are more people praying for peace, we believe the world will be restored in no time. 心 文 / 世界宗教博物館發展基金會 執行長 釋了意 平安 Peace of Mind CEO of MWR Development Foundation Venerable Dr. Liaoyi Shih
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