
文化櫥窗 Love Knows No Boundaries by Venerable Dr. Liaoyi Shih, CEO of MWR Development Foundation 4 聯合國 2011 年開始每年 2 月的第一週訂為「世 界宗教和諧週」,為讓不同信仰彼此了解,進而促進 世界的和平與和諧。秉持世界宗教博物館「尊重每一 個信仰、包容每一個族群、博愛每一個生命」的創館 理念,我們邀約不同宗教、領域、國家的朋友們,以 「愛無界」為題,關懷國際難民兒童,舉辦難民兒童 畫展與跨宗教對談,並於開幕式中以靜默祈禱的方 式,祈願新型冠狀病毒的疫情得控、人心安定。 原本應該洋溢喜悅與祝福的新年,因為疫情在全 球不斷地發散,人們在病、苦、甚至死亡面前,除了 個人防止感染的惶惶不安,也對社會秩序以及全球經 濟的互為影響,而有不確定性與危機感。 如同我的老師-世界宗教博物館創辦人 心道法 師所說:「我們與一切的眾生是息息相關的生命互聯 網,當災難發生時,我們必須互相幫助,以正念與善 業來轉換負能量。」 各宗教都有其靈修的方式,無論是禱告、冥想、 禪修等,其良善以及澄淨心靈的本質是一樣的。期許 大家皆能依循著自己的宗教、信仰,勤做功課,匯集 善念,讓這片寧靜的磁場共振,內環境和外環境都淨 化,自然能消除疫疾,善妙吉祥。 Since 2011, the United Nations has set the first week of February as the “World Interfaith Harmony Week”, and MWR has been inviting people from different religions, fields, and nations to join us in the “Love Has No Boundaries” events of refugee children’s painting exhibition and interfaith communication. At the opening ceremony, participants joined us in silent prayers for the COVID-19 new epidemic to be under control soon. The COVID-19 is spreading over the world, affecting social orders and global economies. As my mentor and founder of MWR Dharma master Hsin Tao has expressed, “All livings are connected in the network of life. When disaster strikes, we must help one another with mindfulness and good deeds to turn around the negative energy.” Praying or meditating, they’re all spiritually purifying in nature. We hope everyone will follow the teachings of their religions and beliefs and accumulate benevolent karma in the efforts to stop the epidemic. 愛無界 文 / 世界宗教博物館發展基金會 執行長 釋了意