5 新年的傳承與開展 文 / 陳國寧 館長 Religion is a living culture, a lasting heritage with constant new cultural elements. It reflects regional beliefs, politics, customs, esthetics, science, crafts, cultural communication, and history. It’s the cultural essence of every era. Religious cultures include both tangible and intangible heritages. The museum’s collection of religious cultures should not only focus on tangible artifacts, but also include intangible heritages. Conventional museums emphasize on the historical, aesthetic, and scientific values of its collection, which is displayed and described separately without their cultural context. But religion is a product of social beings, and the museums’ collection and display of religious artifacts should not only be limited to the aesthetic aspect, but also reveal their influence on social consciousness. The key transformation of the museum in the 21st century is to turn from artifact-based to human-based. Therefore, the museum’s efforts in research, investigation, collection, conservation, preservation, exhibition, and education of religious cultural heritages should be attuned to the common values of the public. The Museum of World Religions has over 4000 religious relics from the world. On that foundation, the museum has the capacity to organize the resources of intangible cultural heritage and develop exhibitions of various themes that are interesting, informative, inspirational, and relevant to the public. That’s the goal of the museum’s work in 2020. 宗教是一個活的文化,延續傳承,又一再表現新 的文化元素,反應了每個時代、每個地區人們的社會 生活與社會思潮現象。既是個人的精神追求,又是社 會群體的現象。宗教文化遺產是多樣性的,反應了該 地區的信仰、政治、習俗、美學、科學、工藝、文化 交流與歷史痕跡等,是每個時代的文化精華。 宗教文化既是有形文化遺產也是無形文化遺產, 博物館對宗教文化的蒐集應該不止於有形的物件,還 應該包括到非物質文化的面向。一般傳統博物館對文 物的收藏價值與展示意象ㄧ向放在歷史價值、審美價 值與科學價值的觀點上。這只是就物件本身的欣賞所 做的獨立陳列與解說,多數缺乏對其背景的文化脈絡 做陳述。但是宗教是一個社會與社群的集體產物,博 物館對宗教文化的保存、展示應該不止於物件本身的 美感呈現,需要透過宗教文物詮釋該宗教對社會意識 的影響。 21 世紀博物館的演變特點是由「以物為本」演 化到「以人為本」。因此博物館對宗教文化遺產的研 究、調查、收集、保存、維護、展示與教育應該要擴 大到社會公共價值的面向。 本館擁有 4,000 多件世界宗教的典藏品,我們 可以在此基礎上,組織無形文化遺產的資源去開發各 類的專題特展,讓每個展覽都能舉出與大眾生活相關 的、有趣的設計、知識性的、啟發性的子題供觀眾分 享。2020 年我們的展覽會朝這個目標演進。典藏工 作會進行專家評選分級,以便未來運用的加值,教育 活動有更多的參與互動,甚至走到館外。今年我們希 望增加更多的『博物館之友』( 會員 ) 與志工朋友, 敬請各界期待、參與、支持。 New Year: Inheritance and Prospection Chen, KuoNing, Director of MWR 博物館之門
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