文化櫥窗 Love For All Beings CEO of MWR Development Foundation, Venerable Dr. Liaoyi Shih 4 世界宗教博物館創辦人心道法師於 30 多年前, 看到人與人之間信仰與族群的衝突,希望有一個平台 能以藝術、心靈讓大家快樂且和諧的在一起,因而創 辦「世界宗教博物館」。籌備 10 年、開館 18 年。 18,是人生的成年階段,18 姑娘一朵花,如同宗教 藝術綻放在宗博館,然後在大家的內心也開出一朵朵 美麗的花。 創辦人長期致力全球宗教交流、深耕跨宗教對 談,種種慈悲與堅持,讓宗博館繳出亮眼的成績單。 11 月 16 日印度在台灣的錫克教徒們,在宗博館舉辦 國內第一場「錫克教 Langar( 慈善廚房 ) 聖餐體驗」, 參與者遵守錫克教的戒律戴頭巾、脫鞋,不分地位席 地而坐用餐,建立宗博館跨宗教、跨國籍交流的典 範。 近 30 年來,感恩宗教界的朋友和默默付出者, 深深願力的永續護持,除了提供平台讓宗教、族群和 諧,彼此的信仰被理解,更把「博愛每個生命」實踐 與推廣。 生命不只是人,還包含天地萬物之間,地球上所 有的生命。聯合國發出 2030 年警訊:「暖化如果再 惡化,地球無法自我療癒,大地會反撲…」因此,創 辦人再發起「博愛每個生命、一起愛地球」行動,同 時在緬甸籌建「生命和平大學」,延續宗博館「尊重、 包容、博愛」精神,推動「愛地球、愛和平」理念, 希望以「全球生態倫理」理念,用愛的本質串聯彼此, 重建人與自然的和諧共生關係,拯救守護我們的地球 母親。 * 摘自世界宗教博物館 18 週年館慶 了意法師致詞 Over 30 years ago, Venerable Dharma Master Hsin Tao witnessed the conflict of religions and races among people, and he hoped to build a platform that could bring people together in artistic and spiritual harmony, therefore, he founded the Museum of World Religions, which took 10 years of planning and has been opened for 18 years. A person can reach adulthood in 18 years. And like a maiden in full bloom, the museum plants the seeds of religious art, and it blossoms inside everyone. The MWR held an event of Sikhism Langar Experience on November 16, 2019 the first time in Taiwan. Participants of the event must follow traditional Sikh rituals, which is an excellent example of interfaith religion and inter-nationality communication. And for the past 30 years, there has been countless contribution and support from friends in the religion circle, for which we are utterly grateful. Life isn’t just about people, it’s also about all living beings on Earth. Founder of the museum relaunched the movement of “Love for all beings, love the Earth”, while building the University of Life and Peace in Myanmar, which is a manifestation of the museum’s philosophy of “respect, tolerance, and love”.With the idea of “global ecosystem ethics”, The MWR hopes to connect people with the essence of love, rebuild the harmonious relationship between people and nature, and safeguard our Mother Earth. *Excerpts from C.E.O Ven. Dr.Liao-Yi Shih’s speech at MWR 18th anniversary event. 博愛每個生命 文 / 執行長 釋了意
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