
Healing the Earth: Transformative Action for Ecology and Technology Dharma Master Hsin Tao, founder of the Museum of World Religions 3 Editor ’s notes: University of Life and Peace preparatory office first offered a winter senior research course in 2019 and is offering class 2020 this winter in Yangon Myanmar. Following is the excerpts from Master Hsin Tao’s new semester speech. Class 2019’s theme was “Dealing with the root of ecosystem crisis – a new strategy.” 10 world-renowned professors were invited to lecture, and 25 students from different academic backgrounds participated in the course. The action-oriented interdisciplinary research not only attracted attention in Myanmar but also stroke a chord in the academic world. After nearly six month of refinement, a total of 15 individual or group thesis passed and certificates were rewarded. The result is a landmark in the founding of our university. We’ve reflected on this experience with class 2019 and set the theme for this year’s course at “Healing the Earth: Transformative Action for Ecology and Technology”. We’ve invited more top professors from top schools to lecture and selected students with both outstanding academic records and a sense of responsibility and ambition. More encouragingly, we’re honored to have the support from University of Yangon and the State Pariyatti Sasana University in Myanmar; both have their outstanding teachers and students participate in the course, which is the realization of our efforts in local education. The concept of combining spiritual teachings with technology in the restoration of our ecosystem is a new model in education, which hopefully will prove its benefit. Our education plans in Myanmar is a comprehensive roadmap: research institute in Yangon, planned university in Bago, banded education in Naung Mon; it’s an integrated holistic education plan, which promotes the co-prosperity vision for our planet Earth. This plan not only helps the traditional Buddhist country of Myanmar to deal with the impact from modern society, but also makes contribution in the fight against ecosystem crisis brought about by the global technology development. By cultivating seeds of peace with a deep common view, and by transforming the technology to a tool of healing and prevention, infused with Buddhist spiritual teachings and compassion, it will truly be a blessing for our ecosystem and for human civilization. 教育計畫,所指向的地球共生共榮的願景,非常明確 可期,不僅是對緬甸這個堅持佛陀千年傳承的古國, 如何面對現代化衝擊,提供借鑑,其次,對於當今主 導全球發展卻又陷生態於危機的科技物質文明主流, 將振臂提出有力的建言,若能藉此培養出有深刻共識 的和平種子,扭轉科技應用於生態療癒,甚至預防在 先,兼容東方儒釋道的靈性修持與入世悲憫,實乃地 球生態永續共生的福音,也是人類文明進階的希望所 寄。 我確認,我們的專業團隊,都有共此一心的覺 醒,而且有愈來愈多的護持者,比我更有能力看到機 遇所在。美言不如一諾,我在此再次懇切邀約大家, 不拘何時何地,不拘各種形式,參與並分享此一愛地 球、愛和平的療癒行動,從人類教育植入智慧與慈悲 的基因,徹底翻轉地球生命共同體的命運。 編按:生命和平大學籌備處附設冬季學校研究班,2019 於緬甸仰光開辦, 今年 2020 進入第二屆,本文引自心道師父開學致詞。本屆師資陣容 強大,包括前聯合國環境保護署助理秘書長、德國生態永續發展諮詢 總監,還有來自美國耶魯大學、希臘亞里斯多德大學、蘇黎世聯邦理 工學院、仰光大學,還有我們的合作夥伴慕尼黑大學等,甄選學生更 是菁英雲集,今年學生共 25 名國際碩士班以上學生,分別來自世界 五大洲,有美國耶魯大學、英國劍橋大學、中國北京大學,還有意大 利、非洲、台灣等地知名大學,並且獲得緬甸仰光大學、巴利大學鼎 力支持,熱情參與。 心之道