文化 5 識,建立跨宗教交流平台,而被國 際社會所推崇。如今將更深化「博 愛」精神,推廣地球療癒、了解「多 元共生、互濟共存」的觀念,呼喚 人心覺醒向善,以「愛地球、愛和 平」為主軸,共同推動全球生態倫 理,邁向生命大和解。 隨之而來的 11 月 9 日宗博 館館慶,也標誌著我們持續了 17 年為宗教交流與和平努力奔走的 軌跡。在這天我們推動了「愛地 球、愛和平系列活動」暨「深河遠 流——南傳佛教文化特展」,以來 自不同國度的宗教交流,呼應了宗 教之間能夠更積極的影響世人,從 內心去影響個人行為的德性和氣 度,進而引發對生命意義的探索, 「愛」——愛惜我們的生命、愛惜 他人的生命,以及愛惜地球的生 命。 benevolent values, ethics, and traditions, which will be helpful in bringing people together to protect the Earth. Under the leadership of founder Chan Master Hsin Tao, the Museum of World Religions (MWR) was invited to present at the 7th PoWR meeting in Toronto, Canada from November 1st to November 7th, where MWR shared its contributions in cross-religion dialogues. MWR has been praised for its promotion of "Respect, Tolerance, and Love" and its devotions to cross-religion dialogues and forming consensus. Now, MWR further deepens the concept of "Philanthropy", promoting the significance of "coexistence in diversity and mutual reliance" and the movement of healing the Earth. MWR devotes itself to waking up the good in people and to promoting global ecological ethics and a grand reconciliation of all lives under the movement of "Love Earth, Love Peace." MWR's anniversary celebration on November 9th also marked our 17 consecutive years of efforts in cross-religion dialogues and in world peace. We held on that day a series of "Love Earth, Love Peace" events, as well as "A deep River Runs Far –Theravada Culture Exhibition". The interaction among religions from different countries shows that religions can have a more active influence on people, mold people's virtues and behaviors from within, and evoke the capacity to "Love" - cherish our life, cherish the lives of others, and cherish the life of the earth.
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