文化櫥窗 CEO of MWR Development Foundation Venerable Dr. Liaoyi 4 宗博館響應「全球倫理宣言」: 推動全球生態倫理,邁向生命大和解 文 / 世界宗教博物館發展基金會 執行長 了意法師 百年來,國際間的交流走過 那段以戰爭製造衝突的歲月,人 們透過地球村觀念的新認知,反 省了在變動劇烈的人類歷史上, 因現代化而造成的問題——即「地 球環境危機」的這一個事實。 我們擁有進步的科技生活, 卻沒有足夠的自制力來防止環境 污染造成地球暖化,於自然生態 上產生嚴重問題;擁有追尋的理 想和目標,卻沒有適當的發揮倫 理道德和宗教信仰,去引導我們 的心靈上的安定。 人類一次又一次重踏覆轍, 直到終於體認到尊重、對話與合作 的重要。希冀藉助宗教的柔性力 量,逐漸消弭紛爭,克服人類的全 球性問題。因此,自 1893 年即開 始的「世界宗教議會」(Parliament of the World's Religions, 簡 稱 PoWR),致力於東西方跨宗教交 流,1993 年更於會中發表「全球 倫理宣言」,認為所有宗教都具 備善性的倫理傳統、價值與規範, 這些因素都有助於建立彼此的共 識,保護地球。 世界宗教博物館在創辦人心 道法師的帶領下,在 11 月 1 到 7 日,受邀至加拿大多倫多舉辦的 「第七屆世界宗教議會」發表演 說,並分享宗博館於宗教交流上 的成果和貢獻。過去宗博館以「尊 重、包容、博愛」為宗旨,連結共 F o r o v e r a c e n t u r y, t h e world has gone through a period of conflicts and wars, which has prompted people to reflect on this history of radical changes brought about by modernization and to form the new concept of a global village, which recognizes the fact of "environmental crises on Earth." We have highly advanced technology but not enough self-restraint to prevent environmental pollution and global warming, which caused serious problems on the natural ecosystems. We pursue ideals and goals without proper ethics and beliefs to guide our spiritual lives. We keep repeating the same mistakes until we finally realize the importance of respect, communication, and collaboration. The tenderness of religion might be helpful in easing conflicts and in overcoming global problems. Therefore, the "Parliament of the World's Religions" (PoWR) inaugurated in 1893 devotes itself to cross-religion dialogues of the world. PoWR announced in 1993 meeting the "Global Ethics Declaration", emphasizing that all religions have The Museum of World Religions responds to“Global Ethics Declaration”, promoting global ecological ethics and a grand reconciliation of all lives.
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