
博物館之門 4 Religious culture is included in both tangible cultural heritage and intangible cultural heritage. For the advance of Museum’s collection, it is very important to acquire and exhibit objects, which cannot only be experienced as tangible objects, much more they should also include the orientation of intangible culture. This is a condition that can support the educational targets of a museum. Contemporary museum’s collection and exhibitions should reflect the diversity social trends. The preservation and display of religious cultural artifacts in museums should not only reflect the aesthetics of the objects themselves, rather more explain and interpret social consciousness through religious artifacts and audiovisual records. Besides, they should include religious events that could reflect and stimulate people’s inner expectations and social consciousness. In addition to collecting ancient historical and religious relics, during the recent years MWR have launched research and exhibitions of contemporary religious culture particularly in communities. And, we invited various religious groups work together, to express the principles and ethics of their religion and introduce their cultural spirit and rites to the audience of the Museum. The Collection Aspect of MWR —談宗博的典藏 文 / 陳國寧 館長 宗教活動,反應了一個時代的生活現象、社會思 潮以及對人生的理想。宗教文化既是有形也是無形的 文化資產,博物館對宗教文化的蒐集應該不止於有形 的物件,還應該包括到非物質文化的面向。 博物館對宗教文化的典藏應不僅於神偶或寺廟中 的文物,更不止於重視古董。宗教是生活文化,凡能 反映出時代信仰,具有地域文化特徵,或具技藝、科 技等價值者,都可設定主題做研究、調查、選擇與蒐 集。博物館不應厚古薄今。 傳統博物館對文物的收藏價值觀點ㄧ向放在歷 史價值、審美意涵與科技價值的觀點上。這只是就文 物本身的價值所做的獨立判斷,這是不夠的。還需要 加上社會現象與價值觀點,去詮釋宗教文化。宗教是 一個社會與社群的集體產物,博物館對宗教文化的保 存、展示應該不止於物件本身的美感呈現,需要透過 宗教文化詮釋社會意識。 21 世紀博物館的演變特點是「以物為本」演化 到「以人為本」。因此博物館對當代宗教文化資產的 研究、調查、收集、保存、維護、展示與教育應該要 擴大到社會多元文化價值的面向。 本館近幾年由文物的展示,展向生命教育與多元 文化教育的推動, 我們除了蒐藏古代的歷史宗教文 物之外,還要展開當代宗教文化的調查研究與展覽, 並結集在台灣的各宗教團體共同合作,分別表述其價 值觀點給大眾,以增加彼此的瞭解與認同。 台灣是一個多元族群與移民的社會,宗教文化豐 富,少有宗教間的衝突,而是彼此包容與尊重。 希望宗博今後的典藏策略與推廣加值應用,由社 區的調查研究劄根,並能詮釋出臺灣宗教的多元、包 容與文化交流的多樣性。 由 到 Chen Kuo-Ning, Director of MWR