
10 5 月 18 日是國際博物館日,世界各地 的博物館都會舉辦各式宣傳與特展活動, 讓更多的民眾了解並走進博物館,而國際 博物館協會 (ICOM) 為 2019 年博物館日所 訂的主題為「作為文化樞紐的博物館:傳 統 的 未 來 (Museums as Cultural Hubs: The Future of Tradition)」。世界宗教博物館為 呼應此一主題,與運用傳統技藝表現現代 題材的布貼畫藝術家廖芳英女士合作,於 5 月 18 日至 7 月 14 日推出《布施自在 - 廖 芳英布貼聖像畫作品展》及相關教育活動, 以「佛法中不執著於形態和意識」為主軸, 透過作品的自由性與創造性,一同勾勒出 手工藝精細又樸實的美感。 文 / 展示蒐藏組 王彬全 耶穌最後的晚餐 Echoing the theme of International Museum Day 2019, “Museums as Cultural Hubs: the Future of Tradition”, Museum of World Religions is collaborating with fabric collage artist Ms. Fang-Ying Liao to present contemporary topics through traditional crafts with its launch of The Delights of Dana - Fang-Ying Liao’s Iconic Fabric Collage Art and other educational activities. Focusing on the concept of “not attaching oneself to form and consciousness in Buddha dharma”, she depicts how exquisite yet simple the aesthetics of handicraft are through the freedom and creativity expressed by her art. 本期特展