本期特展 Arts of Devote —Dialogue of Heart • Artifacts• Dogma Religious Offerings, signifies dedication and consecration. In religious practice, humans convey their thoughts to a superior or supreme being via tangible objects, such as flowers, fruit, water, incense, and candles, or intangible energy, such as recitations, chants, songs, dance, and music, to send prayers or express gratitude. Such acts demonstrated homage and sacrifice. All ceremonial objects used at religious rituals bore special meaning, exemplified by such examples as the Holy Grail which holds red wine that symbolizes the blood of Jesus in Christianity, the copper plate that contains flower offerings for Lord Shiva in Hinduism, the incense burner that conveys believers’ thoughts in Daoism, or the candlestick used to expel darkness and shed light in Buddhism. 8 供養藝術 ─ 心‧器‧法的對話 文 / 展示蒐藏組 鍾偉愷 古人對於神靈祭儀的重視,展現在使用的供養 器之上,用以祭祀乘載供品的器物,往往賦予著最虔 敬的心意。信仰即是生活,這些供養器無論是用於祈 福、酬謝、感念或作為平靜心靈的導引,在舉行祭儀 的場域擁有著神聖與崇高性,隨著時代的變遷,供養 器的材質、形式亦不相同,而世界上各個宗教均有自 己的供養器,反應各宗教對於信仰的不同需求,亦使 得每一件供養器都別具意義。然將其挪至其他空間, 則回歸生活日常,與一般實用的器皿並無差異,場域 的轉換造就其性質內涵的變化,所代表的意義也就截 文人清供 - 官窯.魚耳爐 高 7.2 cm 口徑 11.5 cm 底徑 10.2 cm 祥太文化館典藏 文人清供 - 定窯.蓮瓣刻花淨瓶 高 38 cm 口徑 9 cm 底徑 7.2 cm 祥太文化館典藏
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