文化櫥窗 4 禪,信仰的真諦 ─ 2019 歐洲禪修分享體驗見聞 文 / 世界宗教博物館發展基金會 執行長 了意法師 紛亂世界,需要一股和諧寧靜的力量給予安定, 而禪修,正是一道曙光。近年來,禪修已被社會與校 園所重視,心道法師以世界宗教博物館為平台,把長 年實修經驗精粹成的四步驟禪法帶進歐洲已將近七年 的時間,期許禪修安定人心的影響力可以無遠弗屆, 讓世界真正的和平。 今年五月初,心道法師再度赴歐洲教授 禪修,在德國的 Retreathaus Berghof 舉辦三日禪, 在德國本篤禪修中心(Benediktushof)和奧地利 Reichersberg 修道院各舉辦七日禪修,人數與年遽增。 在心道法師應機逗教下,德國禪修者感到心境開闊, 對本身的宗教信仰也更具信心,更因為禪修,對地球 社會投射愛的關懷。 禪,就是心,是每個人本就有的,不必外求, 只需內尋,撥開雲霧,即見光明。相信每個宗教都有 共通信仰,那就是慈悲與愛。心道法師曾說:「禪, 是一種生活的智慧。生活就是禪,禪就是生活。」我 們必須解行並重,除了理解,也要實踐,把禪心落實 於生活中,讓時時刻刻覺察並清楚明白,變成一種美 好的習慣。 透過世界宗教博物館尊重、包容、博愛的理念, 呼籲人類社會應該不分宗教地去互相串連愛與包容, 求得和諧。讓我們找到一致的禪心,一起為和平願景 努力。心道法師說:「心和平,世界和平;心寧靜, 地球平安。」禪修不只帶來內心的平靜,也為我們生 存的地球環境帶來和平共生的契機。這也是心道法師 歐洲弘法的緣起。 今年十月,將於臺北劍潭教授三日禪修課 程,此為心道法師首次將四步驟禪法廣傳,竭誠期盼 大家同來共沐法雨。有更多人參與禪修與推廣,期許 每個人都能讓心回家,在無限的愛裡,更趨近這份和 平與真理,不分國界、種族、宗教,對生命離苦得樂 助益。我相信,這就是禪法所揭示的信仰真諦。 Meditation: The True Essence of Belief Reflections on the 2019 European Meditation Assembly For nearly seven years, Venerable Dharma Master Hsin Tao has used the Museum of World Religions as a platform to introduce his four-step meditation methods to Europe in the hope that everyone on this planet can experience the peaceful effects of meditation and eventually brings true peace to the world. Under the guidance of Dharma Master Hsin Tao, meditators in Germany feel that their mind has been broadened and their belief has become firmer. Meditation has also encouraged them to care lovingly about the world. Meditation is heart, everybody has one, there’s no need to find it outside, we only have to look inside ourselves. It would be a wonderful habit to bring the meditation heart into our life and enhance our awareness at all moments in the daily life. There will be a three-day meditation assembly in Jiantan Taipei this October, and it will be the first time Dharma Master Hsin Tao openly teaches his four- step meditation methods. We hope that everyone can participate in our practice and help promote the benefits of meditation beyond the boundaries of nation, race, and religion, so all lives on Earth can escape suffering and attain happiness. I believe, this is the true essence of belief revealed by meditation. CEO of MWR Development Foundation Venerable Dr. Liaoyi Shih
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