
心之道 2 春安居到六月,我的行程都國際禪修多,有國外 來山裡打禪,有我去國外傳法,世界各地來福隆參禪 的,也一年年增加,漸漸成風。歐洲禪修風氣盛,有 很多適合的地方,五月歐洲行已經好幾年,跟德國、 奧地利弟子也很有緣,他們體驗快,又認真,說起來 結緣都還是來自跟宗博發展有關。 好的學生,一點就通。德國的本篤禪修中心 (Benediktushof) 的克里斯多福,認識以前已經禪修多 年,跟我學禪後,每日都用功,很有體會,今年他為 自己的一群學生請法,年前就訂下來,所以我就過 來,就有收穫。還有一位看太陽修行的大鬍子行者, 曾經在喜馬拉雅山閉關,經歷豐富,有過很多學生, 來山裡禪修後,對觀音法門一拍即合,很受用。只要 禪修精進,體會一般都很快,有問題當下也能轉,有 一個受靈動困擾的歐洲青年說,調整法門和心態後, 自己已經會調伏靈動了。 現在地球在大變動中,環境跟人類在大清算,幾 乎各領域,天天有讓人驚心動魄的無常發生,愈是這 樣,生命愈要找出口,佛陀教導我們一切苦都是習氣 累積而來,貪愛跟無明是輪迴的根源,地球生態要恢 復良性循環,唯有從根源下手,體認宇宙實相,才能 超越妄相,心和平世界才有和平,所以禪是最好的修 心之道。那麼,像我們的生活,有好的法緣就去,沒 有法緣也是自己好好修行。 跨宗教的宗旨都有一致性,大致不離開道德跟 慈悲,世界宗教博物館成立至今就是推廣跨界的尊 重、跨族群的包容與普世博愛,基礎也是生命的和平 之道,所以我們的經驗就是不斷串聯大家推動「愛地 球、愛和平」,這個目標並非遙不可及,只要人們當 下管好自己的身口意,就是具體實踐「愛地球、愛和 平」,我們有「一分鐘平安禪」當下就能轉換,當下 體驗寧靜,現在推廣到各級中小學,也可以連結到各 種活動中。 地球危如累卵,就像安了定時炸彈,生態系統 一旦瓦解、物種無法延續,人類也不復生存,所以人 類要再教育,要一套與環境共生共存的實踐智慧、一 作翻轉地球共業的推手 文 / 創辦人 心道法師 Dharma Master Hsin Tao, founder of the Museum of World Religions Turn Around the Karma on Earth Up until June, during the spring events, most of the time I was in international meditation assemblies, with some foreigners coming to practice at Ling Jiou Mountain or me offering teachings abroad. There have been more and more people from all over the world visiting Fulong every year. Meditation is very popular in Europe and there are many places in Europe suitable for practices as well. It’s been years that I take a yearly trip to Europe in May, and there’s a chemistry between me and the German and Austrian disciples, who are focused and quick learners. And this all starts with the development of the Museum of World Religions. The Earth is going through a major transformation, and the environment is fighting back on mankind. There are frightening anomalies happening in almost every area each day. But the greater the hardship, the more determined life is to find a way out. Buddha teaches that all sufferings are accumulations of our habits and that greed and ignorance are the root of all incarnations. For the ecosystem on Earth to return to a virtuous cycle, we need to work on the root; only when we’re aware of the truth of the universe, can we go beyond ignorance and delusion; only when the heart is at peace, can the world