11 愛是靈魂最深的渴望 個短暫的物質身份去履行「短暫 的職責」,比如家庭、社會、國家 的職責;然而 sanatana dharma(薩 納坦 - 達爾瑪)是宇宙中所有生命 的「永恆職責」—對源頭無私的 服務,謂之「奉愛服務」,這是 一切生命永恆不可改變的活動, 並非宗派性的宗教信仰。 如實瞭解了「法」,我們才 能具備恰當的心態去供養。我們 懷著謙卑、愛和感恩將所有來自 源頭的一切資源,透過具體的服 務供奉給源頭,如此我們的生命 就會擺脫業報的枷鎖,逐漸提升 到靈性的層次,感受到純淨生命 的平和喜樂。奎師那在博伽梵歌 9.27 中說:「琨緹的兒子啊!無 論你做什麼,吃什麼,供奉或施 捨什麼,從事什麼苦行,都應該 把它們當作給我的供奉去做。」 這節詩完美地呈現了供養藝術的 具體實踐方法。在「心」、「器」、 「法」對話的和諧共振中,於是 我們在愛中相遇;在愛中,人便 單純安住了。 您的僕人, Shyamasundari d.d. (夏瑪.筆) 本期 In the ancient yoga scripture, Bhagavad-Gita, Krishna says “If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, a fruit or water, I will accept it.” The poetic transcendental verse conveys the ultimate essential attitude/element for offering— unconditional love, Bhakti, which is the topmost offering. Heart: attitude, love, faith, surrender Everything in the universe comes from the Origin. When we do offering, we are like a kid, taking advantage of the parents’ belongings as a gift for his parents’ pleasure to express his gratitude and love. It’s not the value of the gift that matters, but the intense affection within that touches the heart does. However, our heart seems to be the last thing we can surrender. Offering Artifacts: bhoga, offering utensils Offering stuffs are used as instrument/media to express love and gratitude. Only offering with heart can give meaning to the inanimate instrument. Dharma: law, truth, religion, duty The sanskrit root meaning of Dharma refers to the inborn quality/ nature of something that can’t be changed forever. For example, fire can’t be separated from heat and light. Without heat and light, there is no meaning to fire. Thus we can say the Dharma/nature of fire is heat and light. Similarly, the Dharma of every living entity is TO LOVE, TO SERVE. We all need to serve others, which is our nature, our duty, and eternal religion. Our real eternal identity is loving servant of the Origin. Thus our eternal duty (Sanatana Dharma) is selfless service to the Origin, namely devotional service. Sanatana means eternal. Sanatana Dharma is different from sectarian religions or faith, which can be changed with time. In BG9.27, Krishna says, “Whatever you do, whatever you eat, whatever you offer or give away, and whatever austerities you perform— do that as an offering to Me.” This verse teaches us the practical way to spiritualize our existence, free ourselves from the entanglement of the material world and finally achieve the goal and perfection of life. Your humble servant,Shyamasundari d.d. The Art of Devotion — The dialogue among Heart, Offering Artifacts and Dharma
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