3 善治人心 為搶救地球加油 宗教在現在社會中,面對全球劇烈變動,最難能 可貴的就是發揮正面、積極、樂觀、愛心、願力來引 領挑戰,創造生機。宗博館以跨宗教的愛與和平為宗 旨,引導社會良性循環的軌則,所以每年 11 月 9 日 館慶日「世界宗教和諧日」,正是跨宗教為愛地球、 愛和平祈福的季節。 愛護地球,是我們每一位地球公民共同的居住責 任,推廣共識一套以尊重「多元共生、相依共存」的 生態法則,恢復地球母親的健康,普及靈性覺醒的教 育,深耕禪修止觀的實修訓練,發揮念力共振的量子 效應,結合科學專業,做出一套愛地球的生活運動。 那麼,宗博館慶「世界宗教和諧日」的普世意義,不 僅兼具個人靈性覺醒的基礎,也肩負世界和平的使 命,這是生命和平大學教育的實踐綱領。說到大學進 度,與愛地球運動是相輔相成的。我們大學籌備處學 術委員會的規劃,目前正在做第二屆冬季學校研究班 的學生徵選,所以 2020 年 1 月,仰光再見了。 我們期望,邀約跨宗教一起來號召廣大的社會, 一起為地球危急存亡作共識,積極投入資源,付諸行 動,加入愛地球運動。 * 靈鷲山水陸空大法會於桃園巨蛋體育館舉辦, 2019 年為第 26 屆。 In the face of global turmoil in the modern society, the most valuable role of religions is to infuse active, positive, optimistic, and charitable wills to deal with challenges and improve livelihood. Under the tenet of cross-religion love and peace, the Museum of World Religions holds “World Religions Harmony Day” annually on the November 9th anniversary to promote virtuous cycles in the society, which is the manifestation of cross-religion collaboration on Love Earth, Love Peace mantra. It the responsibility of every planet Earth citizen to love and protect our Earth. We need to promote the notion of “coexistence in diversity and mutual reliance” to rejuvenate our mother Earth, to awaken our spirits, and to combine the impact of meditation with the expertise of science in a joint effort for Earth protection movement. Therefore, the universal purpose of “World Religions Harmony Day” is not only to awaken individual spirit, but also to shoulder the mission of world peace, which is also the guiding principle for education at the University of Life and Peace. We hope to invite all religions to join hands and rally the public in the fight for Earth’s survival, where we actively pool our resources and put them into work for the future of our planet. 心之
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